Search results for rates rebate

  • Lab+: Potential future states for government service delivery

    Found in Blog / Published 21 June 2017 / By Pia Andrews

    … States: the proactive delivery.

    Shows a person logged into the Auckland Council website showing their rates bill details.

    Pia Waugh : In this example a home owner gets an email from the council saying they may be eligible to a rates rebate.

    In this notification they are asked if they asked if they are happy for the conditions to be confirmed with IRD as to whether they're eligible. They are asked if they will authorise the council to check their income with IRD to…

  • LabPlus: Connecting with service innovation labs in Auckland and Tauranga – part 1 of 2

    Found in Blog / Published 10 May 2018 / By Glen Thurston

    SummaryThis is the first of 2 blog posts about what we shared and learnt when Pia Andrews, Abbe Marks and I visited Innovation Labs in Auckland and visited Tauranga City Council to work with them on the development of the Rates Rebate Alpha. We aimed to build connections with people and Labs in Auckland and Tauranga for collaboration on Service Innovation Lab work programme initiatives.

    In our 2-day race around Auckland we:

    learnt about exhibition design at Auckland Museum
    discussed how to col…

  • Integrated services — Service Innovation Working Group

    Found in Showcase

    Integrated services is about joining up and automating services around key events in people’s lives (life events) to make it easier for citizens to access government services. The advancements in digital technology are a key enabler for integrating services that was not previously possible.

  • helping older people access government services

    Found in Blog / Published 18 February 2016 / By Lana Gibson

    … use to structure service eligibility information in a clear, succinct way that will give people all the information they need in one place
    making sure that we lead people to services they might not know about, for example when people visit the Rates Rebate scheme page, we can also present them with other financial support such as the Accommodation Supplement.
    MSD was very happy with our approach, and we’ve managed to secure Better Public Services Seed Funding from Result 10 to continue…

  • Being a public double agent in Aotearoa New Zealand

    Found in Blog / Published 06 July 2018 / By Matti Schneider

    … one of these bubbles within government where people deliver public digital services through collaboration, with an open mind and an open heart. And I felt right at home.

    It took 15 minutes of quietly exploring the place before Rachel introduced me to Rates Rebates when she learned I had built the same piece of software in France, Mes Aides, as the team was in Aotearoa New Zealand. We showed each other source code and shared adoption difficulties. Forty-five minutes after I had set foot in the…

  • Designing for Digital - reflections from the first year of the Lab

    Found in Blog / Published 15 October 2018 / By Glen Thurston

    … process.

    This however does not mean it has to be a waterfall process, this would be a mistake. What we’ve found is that the best results occur when we have developers and designers working side by side as early as possible in the design process (e.g. Rates Rebates) and using an agile way of working complements this approach. It also reflects the type of people needed in our team: they are people who are good in their own field of expertise but can be also flexible and comfortable working with…

  • What is Better Rules?

    Found in Blog / Published 20 December 2019 / By Hamish Fraser

    The Better Rules concept offers a fresh approach for multidisciplinary teams when developing policy. This approach provides them with the tools to develop a coherent concept model and potential rule set for the policy topic they’re focusing on.

  • Lab+: Our "Integrated Services" Design Approach (for "becoming a senior")

    Found in Blog / Published 11 July 2017 / By Pia Andrews

    … you already know I am entitled to?”
    “Why do I have to go to so many different agencies to get one entitlement?”
    “I don’t care about the org chart of government.”
    “Why do they make it so hard?”

    We used a hypothetical of a person being notified about rates rebates or travel assistance and either through permission or automatically getting the services. We explored different notification modes eg, via third parties (online banking) and direct from government (mobile phone). The notification conta…

  • Better Rules Hack - Wellington

    Found in Blog / Published 15 June 2018 / By Nadia Webster

    … pieces of legislation into digital rules, to create working prototype applications that benefit people.

    Participants were able to use open APIs (Application Programme Interfaces) of the digital rules powering the Smartstart financial help tool and the Rates Rebate Alpha (read more about our work on Rates Rebate). Data61 provided participants with a Regulation as a Platform development environment, and the Lab stood up the Aotearoa New Zealand OpenFisca instance.

    Like with most hackathons, it…

  • Wrap-up of LabPlus: GaaP tranche 1 (April - June 2017)

    Found in Blog / Published 30 August 2017 / By Pia Andrews

    … Lewis said that quote, but I thought it was a lovely idea of the mentality we brought to this.

    Slide 7 - The Future States are NOT candidate services

    The Future States are NOT candidate services

    Not an MSD or “Turning 65” life event prototype
    Not a Rates Rebate service
    Not an Auckland Council service
    Not a generic bank service

    All aspects of the future state concepts were drawn from independent user research and needs.

    I have seen the future and this is how it begins.

    Pop Will Eat Itself…

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