Search results for emerging tech

  • Digitising government at Techweek 2024

    Found in Blog / Published 12 July 2024

    To celebrate Techweek 2024, the Digital Public Service (DPS) branch hosted 2 online events — on 21 and 22 May. The webinars highlighted initiatives within DPS and across government, that are helping agencies to provide digital services for New Zealanders.

  • Government signals Chief Technology Officer a priority appointment

    Found in News

    From Hon Clare CurranThe Government has outlined its priorities across digital technology, media and open government signalling that the establishment of a Chief Technology Officer is at the top of the list.

    Delivering the keynote speech at NetHui 2017, the Minister of Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media and Government Digital Services and the Associate Minister of State Services (Open Government), Clare Curran, said that the Chief Technology Officer would be responsible for preparin…

  • Introduction to NZ’s digital transformation

    Found in Digital government / About digital government / Introduction to NZ’s digital transformation

    Digital government is about putting people first. We’re focusing on what people need from government in these fast-changing times and how we can meet their needs using emerging technologies, data and changes to government culture, practices and processes.

  • Government Chief Digital Officer’s role in artificial intelligence (AI)

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Artificial intelligence (AI) / GCDO’s role in AI

    The Government Chief Digital Officer (GCDO) leads the safe and trustworthy adoption and use of AI in the public service.

  • FYI: Updated Government ICT Strategy

    Found in Blog / Published 09 November 2015 / By Susan Diamond

    … provide new opportunities to support better public services by putting people and businesses at the centre of design and delivery of digital services.

    In October, Cabinet approved an update to the ICT Strategy and Action Plan.

    What's new?
    Exploiting emerging technologies The accelerated pace of disruptive change generated by cloud services presents an opportunity to change the way the public sector operates and delivers services
    Unlocking the value of information Increased availability o…

  • The intention, audience and scope of this guidance

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Artificial intelligence (AI) / Interim Generative AI guidance for the public service / The intention, audience and scope of this guidance

    The intended purpose, target audience and scope of this interim guidance about public service use of GenAI tools.

  • Procurement Hack review – redefining procurement for a digital age

    Found in Blog / Published 20 August 2018 / By Andrew Earnshaw

    On Thursday 9 August over 70 attendees from across the State sector and ICT supply community attended the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) E-Leaders Transforming Procurement Hack.  We wanted to know how we can make procurement easier, inclusive and more transparent for all.

    Hack Facilitator “Miramar Mike” Riversdale led the group through introductions and some interesting warm up exercises that helped highlight the make-up of our cohort.  The moving, mingling and li…

  • MBIE report highlights growth potential of New Zealand’s virtual reality sector

    Found in News

    The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has welcomed the release of a report that forecasts New Zealand’s cross reality sector will reach over $320 million in annual revenue and employ double the number of people within two years.

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