Search results for emerging tech

  • Using a game to engage with emerging tech

    Found in Blog / Published 26 September 2018 / By Lee Dowsett

    I’ve been a part of many discussions over how to raise awareness of the value and risks of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchains and virtual reality. Midway through one of those meetings I realised that all of the approaches that were being discussed – seminars, papers and the like – were making my eyes roll up in my head from sheer boredom. If that was the case for me, then how must it be for people who aren’t professionally and personally interested in this stuff?


  • Emerging Tech: Measurement

    Found in Blog / Published 07 December 2017 / By Nadia Webster

    TL;DRAs part of a regular Emerging Technology series the Service Integration team at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), in partnership with the Ministry for Social Development (MSD), brought together presenters from inside and outside of government to share how they were using measurement to inform decision-making.

    Good measurement helps us understand the impacts of our actions and interventions. The presenters shared how they use sensors, data and analytics to pilot new ways to communic…

  • Emerging Tech: APIs for service delivery

    Found in Blog / Published 07 March 2018 / By Nadia Webster

    TL;DRAs part of a regular Emerging Technology series the Service Integration team at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) brought together presenters from inside and outside of government to share how they were using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for service delivery and ways we could improve service delivery with other approaches.

    APIs are a set of clearly defined methods of communication between various software components. They are not an emerging technology as they have been…

  • Emerging Tech: Virtual and Augmented Reality

    Found in Blog / Published 16 February 2018 / By Nadia Webster

    TL;DRAs part of a regular Emerging Technology series the Service Integration team at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) brought together presenters from inside and outside of government to share how they were using Virtual and Augmented Reality to engage or train people, or perform tasks.

    The technology behind Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) has advanced significantly. It now provides opportunities to deliver empathetic and insightful experiences that help people get close…

  • Emerging Tech: Artificial Intelligence and what feeds it

    Found in Blog / Published 13 June 2018 / By Nadia Webster

    As part of our Emerging Technology series and as part of Techweek’18 the Service Innovation Lab (the Lab) team brought together presenters from inside and outside of government to explore:

    What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)?
    What are the impacts of AI/ML on New Zealand's government, economy and education system?
    How can they be used for better service delivery?
    What are are the requirements and preconditions for AI/ML use for service delivery?
    AIs are either app…

  • AI – the increasing call for ethics and diversity in tech design

    Found in Blog / Published 19 June 2019 / By Marita Vandenberg

    Technology is becoming increasingly informed by artificial Intelligence. In this blog, Service Innovation’s Emerging Tech lead, Dr Hazel Bradshaw, discusses AI, ethics and responsibility.

  • Let's talk about emerging technology

    Found in Blog / Published 06 October 2017 / By Nadia Webster

    TL;DRThe Service Innovation team at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) recently ran a small workshop to explore emerging technologies like Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR), Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and emerging trends around how government engages with the broader community for better public outcomes. Our colleagues at the Ministry for Social Development (MSD) kindly hosted the workshop at their excellent facility, many thanks!

    The workshop included presentations…

  • Game mashes up megatrends through the lens of wicked problems

    Found in Showcase

    The Megatrend Mashup card game was developed as part of the digital strategy work being done by the System Transformation team at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA).

  • Ma te wa Aotearoa

    Found in Blog / Published 31 August 2018 / By Pia Andrews

    Today I have some good news and sad news. The good news is that I've been offered a unique chance to drive "Digital Government" Policy and Innovation for all of government, an agenda including open government, digital transformation, open and shared data, information policy, gov as a platform, public innovation, service innovation and policy innovation. For those who know me, these are a few of my favourite things :)

  • LabPlus: Exploring optimistic futures

    Found in Blog / Published 20 February 2018 / By Pia Andrews

    … for citizens and society.

    In our Service Innovation team, we are continually exploring the art of the possible. We did some early work on “future modes of service delivery” based on user research and feedback. We are also taking current research about emerging technologies, trends and user expectations to create a Virtual Reality (VR) personal experience of ‘a day in the life of’ in 2070. The VR experience will be on display at the D5 Showcase this week, as well as available for download and a…

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