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Privacy in the Public Sector micro-credential

Gain knowledge and confidence to collect, use and share people’s information in a respectful, trusted and transparent way.

About this micro-credential

Wellington Uni Professional is offering a ‘Privacy in the Public Sector’ micro-credential at Victoria University — with content provided by the Government Chief Privacy Officer (GCPO) team.

It runs for 6 weeks and is delivered online with interactive tutorials. This micro-credential is worth 5 credits.

This micro-credential course is designed for busy working professionals who want to learn how to do the right thing when using people’s information.

Because it’s offered virtually, it’s an excellent opportunity for staff outside of Wellington to build their privacy knowledge.

Course dates 

The start dates for 2024 are:

  • .

Learn more and register

Learn more about the course content and register for an upcoming course on the Wellington Uni Professional website:

Privacy in the Public Sector micro-credential — Register Now

Course content

You will be introduced to privacy in an Aotearoa public sector context and will be equipped with tools to apply in your role at your agency.

What you’ll learn

During the course you’ll learn:

  • what privacy is and key NZ privacy legislation and frameworks
  • privacy practice and principles within a professional context
  • people-centred privacy within the public service.

Course modules

The course is delivered as 5 modules over 6 weeks:

  1. Why is privacy important
  2. What do I need to know about privacy in Aotearoa New Zealand
  3. How do I apply privacy in my agency
  4. How can I help build a privacy culture in my agency
  5. How can I help build a people-centred privacy culture in my agency.

Who this course is for

This micro-credential is for people who work for a:

  • public sector agency
  • vendor who provides services and products to the public sector
  • non-governmental organisation (NGO) who provide services for government.

How the course might help you in your role

As past course participants have confirmed, the course is ideal for those who work in:

  • IT, digital and security — how to apply privacy by design to enable privacy-enhancing solutions
  • Information management — how people-centred privacy can improve record keeping and archival practices
  • Human resources — how privacy considerations can lead to better management of employees’ and candidates’ personal information
  • Policy and service design — how people-centred privacy can help achieve the desired outcomes
  • Data analysis and programme evaluation — how to appropriately use and share de-identified information
  • Procurement and vendor management — how to ensure the vendor selection process leads to privacy-enabled relationships and contracts
  • Risk and assurance — how to integrate privacy risks into the agency risk management.

What a micro-credential is

Micro-credentials are small, stand-alone awards with set learning outcomes. They’re part of Aotearoa’s education and training system.

Micro-credentials recognise the skills, experience or knowledge of the learners while meeting demand from employers, industry and communities.

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