Digital Government Leadership Group
This is a partnership of agencies from across the public service that support the goal of a coherent, all-of-government digital system.
What the Digital Government Leadership Group does
The Digital Government Leadership Group (DGLG) is a strategic oversight group of Chief Executives who have an interest in the digital and data transformation of the public service.
The group works with ministers, the Public Service Leadership team and public service agencies, to support New Zealanders to have seamless access to the government services that they want and need.
The partnership:
- helps the Government Chief Digital Officer (GCDO) and Government Chief Data Steward (GCDS) to develop and improve the digital and data systems across the public service
- ensures the public service is aligned with the Strategy for a Digital Public Service and Data Strategy and Roadmap, other relevant strategies and the Public Service Act 2020
- was set up in 2015 by the Government Chief Digital Officer (GCDO).
Strategy for a Digital Public Service
Government Data Strategy and Roadmap — Department of Internal Affairs
Terms of reference for the Digital Government Leadership Group (DGLG)
From June 2021, these terms of reference define the DGLG’s role, objectives, responsibilities and governance, including meetings, membership and secretariat.
Members of DGLG
The DGLG’s membership includes agencies who represent key sectors and agencies with a significant stake in digital transformation — but also smaller agencies.
The co-chairs:
- Government Chief Digital Officer (GCDO) and Chief Executive of the Department of Internal Affairs
- Government Chief Data Steward (GCDS), Government Statistician and Chief Executive of Stats NZ.
Group members are nominated by the co-chairs to provide a balance of perspectives. Membership is initially set as described below but may change in line with circumstances.
Group members:
- Government Chief Information Security Officer (GCISO) and Director-General of the Government Communications Security Bureau
- Chief Executive, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and system lead for Government Procurement and Property
- Chief Executive, Inland Revenue
- Chief Executive, Ministry of Education
- Chief Executive, Te Arawhiti — Office for Māori Crown Relations
- Chief Executive, Land Information New Zealand
- Director-General, Ministry of Health
- Chief Executive, Te Whatu Ora
- Chief Executive Tumu Whakarae, Te Aka Whai Ora
- Chief Executive, Ministry of Social Development
- Secretary for Justice and Chief Executive, Ministry of Justice
- Chief Executive, Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (NZTA)
- Chief Executive, Social Wellbeing Agency.
Secretariat, supporters and stakeholders
The partnership is supported by a secretariat led by the Department of Internal Affairs with support from Statistics NZ.
The DGLG may, from time to time, establish sub-groups for specific topics or programmes that need more active support or leadership. Senior government officials may be included when extra support is needed.
Key stakeholders:
- Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission
- Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC)
- The Treasury
- Information Group
- DGLG advising officials.
Contact information
Utility links and page information
Last updated