Selling products and services
What your business needs to know about Common Capabilities ICT and selling products and services to government agencies.
C3 (Common Capabilities and Cloud) Programme
The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Telecommunications as a Service (TaaS) Common Capability agreements expire in late 2026.
Their replacements are currently being developed by the C3 Programme.
For more information visit C3 (Common Capabilities and Cloud) Programme.
An Common Capability ICT is any technology that can be used by 1 or more agencies, or across all-of-government, to support business outcomes.
The lead agency takes responsibility for procurement and contract maintenance.
Open and closed panels
We use open and closed panels of service providers to deliver Government Common Capabilities ICT agreements. Service providers are invited to join a panel through a notice published on the Government Electronic Tenders Service (GETS).
Open panels
When the panel is open, additional service providers can apply to join during its contract period.
Current service providers can also apply to provide services in additional categories. Contact the product manager for the product or service you’re interested in, they will let you know if there are any Standing Requests and when you can apply.
Closed panels
Additional service providers are not able to apply to join a closed panel during its contract period.
If you have a product or service that would be a ‘good fit’ to extend services, you can submit a response when the panel contract expires or when we next call for applications on GETS.
Authorised Parties
An Authorised Party can be an eligible agency or a third-party supplier that has been approved by the lead agency to procure services under the Common Capability ICT agreement.
That procurement must be solely for the benefit of an eligible agency.
Government Procurement Rules
The Government Procurement Rules are issued by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), as the government system lead for procurement.
Government Procurement Rules – MBIE
These rules provide consistent and predictable sourcing processes, making it easier for agencies and suppliers to engage with each other.
Compliance rules – Key points
- These rules are compulsory for public service departments, NZ Police and the NZ Defence Force.
- Agencies in the state services are expected to refer to the rules as good practice.
- Wider state sector agencies are encouraged to refer to the rules as good practice.
Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission (PSC)
How to sell your product and service
All open tenders are advertised through requests for information (RFI) and RFPs on GETS.
Government Electronic Tenders Service (GETS)
The formal procurement process for all-of-government services
- Register your agency with GETS.
- Select the appropriate category codes for your industry. You’ll receive an automatic email notification when a tender has been listed.
- Download the documents.
- Attend available briefings.
- Prepare your response for submission following the instructions in the documentation.
How long the procurement process takes depends on:
- the complexity of the procurement
- the number of responses received and
- whether or not it’s a single or 2-stage tender process.
The Rules of Sourcing also set minimum timeframes for parts of the process.
When your RFP is not successful
- If you’re unsuccessful — you will be offered a debrief session to help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your proposal and how to improve future proposals.
- If you submitted a response for an open panel — you can submit a new response when the Standing Request is advertised on GETS and the panel is open for new admissions.
- If you responded to a closed panel or single supplier RFP — you will not be able to apply again until the contract expires.
Common Capability ICT agreements
A Common Capability ICT agreement is a collaborative contract for the procurement of ICT goods and services.
The contract is developed under the oversight of:
- the Government Chief Digital Officer (GCDO)
- at The Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) – the system leader, and
- is approved by MBIE – the procurement system leader.
There are 2 types of Common Capability ICT agreements – mandatory and voluntary contracts.
Mandatory contracts
Agencies must purchase from these contracts where the contract reasonably meets the agency’s needs.
An agency that wants to opt-out of purchasing from this type of contract must get approval from the GCDO.
Voluntary contracts
Agencies should purchase from these contracts where the contract reasonably meets the agency’s needs.
Common Capability ICT agreements contain the Authorised Party provision unlike all-of-government and Syndicated Contracts.
DIA and MBIE System Leadership roles
DIA and MBIE have system leadership roles in different areas.
MBIE’s role is to lead an all-of-government approach for procurement.
DIA is tasked with ICT system leadership, which means:
- setting policy, direction and standards for government ICT
- improving ICT investment system-wide
- establishing and managing all-of-government ICT services
- shaping and developing government ICT capability
- providing ICT Assurance across government.
Both departments work collaboratively with other state agencies to achieve government’s ambitions.
Benefits of being on a Common Capability ICT panel
Undertaking a procurement process only once saves time and cost for both parties.
Once selected to supply an Common Capability ICT, you won’t have to go through another full procurement process with the Authorised Parties.
An Authorised Party simply selects a service provider from the panel and signs an agreement with their chosen service provider.
The Rules of Sourcing provide further guidance on this process.
All service providers sign up to the same terms and conditions of contract with the lead agency and each participating or subscribing party, providing consistency across suppliers and consuming parties.
How Common Capabilities ICT are governed
The governance structure is determined at a contractual level. DIA, as Lead Agency for the contract, manages and measures the service performance of the contract, at a system level.
Eligible agencies
All government sector agencies are eligible and encouraged to participate in our all-of-government ICT initiatives and contracts.
Mandated and Eligible agencies - Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Cabinet has directed agencies to follow a whole of government approach to procurement.
Utility links and page information
Last updated