Search results for legislation as code

  • Digital Executive Board

    Found in Digital government / Leadership / Digital Executive Board

    The Digital Executive Board oversees the implementation of the Digital Strategy for Aotearoa and its Action Plan.

  • Title attribute, if video published in an < iframe >

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Accessibility / Videos / What makes a video accessible? / Title attribute, if video published in an < iframe >

    The HTML title attribute lets people using a screen reader know that a video is present and what it’s about, so that they can play it or skip past it if they want to.

  • Digital Experience Services

    Found in Products & services / Products and services A-Z / Digital Experience Services

    Digital Experience Services enables users to compose, manage, present and optimise digital information with the aim of providing better customer digital experiences, regardless of the digital channel the customer uses to engage with the Agency.

  • Discussion: Open Government and engaging with stakeholders

    Found in Blog / Published 14 November 2014 / By Susan Diamond

    Join GOVIS for an overview of New Zealand’s Open Government Partnership (OGP) and Action Plan, which was recently approved by Cabinet. This discussion will focus on how the public sector can facilitate better engagement practices with New Zealanders in the policy development process.

    Open government backgroundOpen government is about an ethical, honest and fair relationship between citizens and their government. New Zealand recently joined the OGP, a forum of countries working on more openness,…

  • Government digital standards catalogue

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Government digital standards catalogue

    Formerly known as the Government Enterprise Architecture for NZ (GEA-NZ) standards reference, the government digital standards is a catalogue of digital standards and related guidance that can be used by NZ government agencies.

  • Share your information in a digital format

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Digital identity / Share your information in a digital format

    People, businesses and other organisations can use their information in a digital way, to represent themselves in the digital world.

  • Copyright statements for websites

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Usability / Copyright statements for websites

    Government organisations are encouraged to make information available easily, widely and equitably to the people of New Zealand. They should also allow people to reuse their copyright material.

  • From the other side of the world

    Found in Blog / Published 10 September 2013 / By Susan Diamond

    The Digital Engagement team was approached by the UK-based newsletter Civil Service World to write an article about innovation in the public sector. The editor said that New Zealand’s public service has inspired a large number of initiatives. We sent them a story about New Zealand’s website. The site was launched in late August to make sure everything works as planned before the public launch later this month.

    We’re continuing to watch the evolution of with grea…

  • Confirmation Service

    Found in Products & services / Products and services A-Z / Confirmation Service

    The Confirmation Service allows organisations to check identity information against official databases saving time and money as well as reducing risk.

  • Collaboration, co-funded development and a new document management module

    Found in Blog / Published 06 July 2017 / By Paul Murray

    In 2015, MPI took the SilverStripe Document Management System (DMS) and extended it to better suit their needs. With thousands of documents to manage and varying permission structures to factor in, it was important for them to have additional document management functionality.

    With many other government agencies facing the same document management challenges it became clear that there was an opportunity to make use of co-funded development to share these features across CWP users.

    Co-funded de…

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