Search results for legislation as code

  • Securing your CMS accounts

    Found in News

    Later this month two-factor authentication (2FA) will be turned on across the websites run by the team:, and We’ve decided to require 2FA following CERT NZ guidance on making sure accounts are secure.

    If you have a content management system (CMS) login to one of these websites, you’ll need to set up 2FA by 27 September 2019, or you’ll be prompted to do it when you log in. Now is also a good time to change your password.

    Resetting your passw…

  • Other types of service models for public cloud

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Cloud services / About public cloud services / Service models for public cloud / Other types of service models for public cloud

    Most public cloud services combine aspects of multiple service models. Other types of service models have been developed to handle different needs — such as DaaS, BPaaS, CaaS and FaaS.

  • Open data, open government

    Found in Blog / Published 14 December 2018 / By Victoria Wray

    Open data forms a foundation for open government. It has transparency baked in, as it makes the evidence for decision making and accountability open to scrutiny. It also recognises the importance of open standards for easy access and reuse. As part of a commitment to the Open Government Partnership's 3rd National Action Plan, the GCDO is collaborating across government to release an open dataset of government agency names, contact details and roles. This will reduce considerable duplication of effort across government as well as open up opportunities for anyone to analyse and build on this data about the structure of government.

  • Managing accessibility

    Found in Blog / Published 20 February 2015 / By Leigh Harrison

    An accessible website is one that can be used by people with disabilities. Ensuring that a website is and remains accessible takes ongoing effort.

    In 2013, the New Zealand Government issued its new Web Accessibility Standard. In effect, the Standard says that websites of mandated NZ Government agencies must meet all Level A and Level AA requirements of the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. The Standard also requires that those agencies, when asked, assess and report on how…

  • Why we took down our API

    Found in Blog / Published 11 December 2014 / By Aimee Whitcroft

    Over the last month or so, the team have begun to engage more seriously with the API community. We’ve written blog posts, and talked at Open Data Day. We wanted (and still want!) to hear from people about what kind of information our API should carry, and how it should be structured and work to meet best practice.

    We’ve been very happy with the response. :) It’s been great to see the community step forward and offer its huge knowledge and experience.

    There’s been some comment in the la…

  • Information Security Professional Services

    Found in Products & services / Products and services A-Z / Information Security Professional Services

    Information Security Professional Services lists industry experts who can provide government agencies with ICT services and advice on a range of security and privacy practices.

  • 3. Integrate security and privacy proportionate to risk from the outset

    Found in Standards & guidance / Digital Service Design Standard / Principles / 3. Integrate security and privacy proportionate to risk from the outset

    Consider the user and business context when applying access and security classifications.
    Evaluate security risk and privacy obligations and apply the necessary treatments at source.
    Identify the data and information the digital service will be providing or storing and address the security level, legal responsibilities, privacy issues and risks associated with the service (consulting with experts where appropriate).
    Try to make the appropriate consideration of privacy and security an ongoing par…

  • Catalogue approved services

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Cloud services / Cloud plans / Shadow cloud / Manage shadow cloud in your organisation / Catalogue approved services

    Set up or update your organisation’s catalogue of approved public cloud services.

  • GEA-NZ dimension: Strategy, investment and policy

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Enterprise architecture / GEA-NZ  framework / Dimensions of the GEA-NZ framework / GEA-NZ dimension: Strategy, investment and policy

    Government strategy, investment prioritisation and policy evolution are drivers of change in the public sector, along with continuous change driven by customers and the environment.

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