Search results for legislation as code

  • Google Analytics events - top five things to track

    Found in Blog / Published 06 October 2016 / By Lana Gibson

    A Google Analytics (GA) event might sound like a soiree held at one of their shiny offices. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) events are needed to track user interactions that aren’t covered by the core reports.

    Why do I need to use events?Events are user interactions with content that can be tracked independently from a web page or a screen load. See Google Analytics guidance for more information.

    You need to add events to your page code to tell GA to track some of your most valuable user inter…

  • Open source for beginners

    Found in Blog / Published 11 February 2014 / By Katie Johnston

    From the very beginning of the project, we've been planning to open source our code. We're very happy to announce that we've just made our first open source release — which includes a module we're really excited about called Replicant.

    You can find all our open source code on GitHub. If you've got feedback, technical questions or comments, leave them in the comments and one of our developers will get back to you.

    For those not in the know, here's a very ba…

  • Measuring content improvement

    Found in Blog / Published 05 June 2013 / By Alison Jack

    As part of a presentation I gave today to the Government web community, I talked about turning on the Flesch Reading Ease score function in Microsoft Word.

    This tool can help you determine:

    how easy or hard text is to read
    how difficult the words are — rare words are less well known than our plain English words
    how difficult the sentences are — long, complicated sentences cause more difficulty than short, simple sentences.
    The Flesch Reading Ease test applies a mathematical formula that measur…

  • Making personal information safe for reuse

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Manage a privacy programme / Making personal information safe for reuse

    A range of methods can be applied to personal information to make it safe for reuse.

  • Stop Starting, Start Finishing

    Found in Blog / Published 23 August 2018 / By Amanda Baker

    Stop Starting, Start Finishing. Does Wellington need another tech meetup? Probably not. But we started one anyway.

    “Stop Starting, Start Finishing” is a meetup for developers and testers working for government. So far there are around 12 attendees and even though we are from different organisations we all working with same framework (Silverstripe) on the same infrastructure (the Common Web Platform or CWP).

    Sounds exciting, right? Wrong.The reality is that we spent the first meetup talking abo…

  • FYI: Brasil is unlocking the value of government information and data

    Found in Blog / Published 09 July 2015 / By Susan Diamond

    What’s the big deal?Governments around the world released over a million datasets open in the last decade. The aim was to spur the creation of jobs and the realisation of changes in society, including increased government accountability and consumer protection, more transparency in costs to the health system and more resilience against climate change.

    Why is it important?The analysis of these data, if done right, can help policymakers make better decisions, but they are just beginning to explor…

  • Removing or archiving content

    Found in Standards & guidance / Governance / Managing online channels / Web information and data lifecycle / Removing or archiving content

    When online material reaches the end of its useful life, you need to decide how it will be archived or otherwise disposed of in accordance with a Disposal Authority.

  • Sharing Value: The Value Loop

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) / Read the DPUP Guidelines / Sharing Value Guideline / The Value Loop

    Follow the Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) Value Loop when working collaboratively on new insights to develop and share the valuable results.

  • Types of information sharing agreements

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Information sharing / Information sharing agreements / Types of information sharing agreements

    Information sharing agreements can be used to document your sharing activities. Find the appropriate type of agreement to use to document your information sharing.

  • Why DPUP has a Transparency and Choice Guideline

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) / Read the DPUP Guidelines / Transparency and Choice Guideline / Why DPUP has a Transparency and Choice Guideline

    Help people understand why and how providing personal information can help them or people in similar circumstances, if providing some information is optional, and their rights to access or request changes.

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