Search results for plain english

  • Access to Information: Help people to ask for their information

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) / Read the DPUP Guidelines / Access to Information Guideline / Help people to ask for their information

    The Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) recommends making people feel confident about requesting access to their personal information.

  • Assurance report executive summaries

    Found in Standards & guidance / Governance / System Assurance / GCDO Assurance Services Panel / Assurance report executive summaries

    The executive summary may be the only part of an assurance report the Senior Responsible Owner or governance body reads, so it is critical that it contains what they need to know to make well informed decisions.

  • Transparency and Choice: Match the approach to the context

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) / Read the DPUP Guidelines / Transparency and Choice Guideline / Match the approach to the context

    Consider how to provide good, safe opportunities for service users to understand and ask questions about the collection and use of their personal information. Think broadly about how you approach this.

  • Government Digital Accessibility Forum 2024

    Found in News

    New Zealand’s second Government Digital Accessibility Forum (GDAF) was held on 16 May 2024 on Global Accessibility Awareness Day.

  • Part I: Literacy and government websites – to the data!

    Found in Blog / Published 16 February 2015 / By Annika Naschitzki

    Voices from the communityShe stood there — arms crossed, frowning and shaking her head. I walked over to her. “Hello” I said, “What’s happening? Why the frown?”

    She replied, “You’re pushing people on the internet, and you don’t even care what happens to the ones who can’t keep up.”

    This was how our journey began. An upset librarian from South Auckland at LIANZA 2014.

    Three of us were running an exhibit stand for at the conference. For three days, we heard similar stories from all over…

  • Channelling Sherlock Holmes

    Found in Blog / Published 01 May 2013 / By Victoria Wray

    It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.

    A Scandal in Bohemia
    You’ll be glad to hear that we, like Sherlock Holmes, are not going to pick our content for the Beta website with the help of gut instinct or divination. In line with our commitment to being user-centred, we are using evidence of what people want or what needs fixing to give us a first cut of priority services…

  • Platform as a Service

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Cloud services / About public cloud services / Service models for public cloud / Platform as a Service

    Over the internet, access providers’ operating systems and applications using Platform as a Service (PaaS).

  • Tackling the digital divide during COVID-19

    Found in Showcase

    COVID-19 lockdowns revealed the extent and impact of digital exclusion when schools had to pivot to distant learning. The Ministry of Education introduced a range of solutions to bridge the digital gap.

  • List the existing controls for each risk

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Risk management / Risk assessments for government organisations / Analyse the risks / List the existing controls for each risk

    Run a workshop with the right stakeholders to identify the existing controls for an information system.

  • Listening to the voice of youth in policy development

    Found in Blog / Published 24 March 2020 / By Merrin Macleod

    How do we ensure more young people have a say in how government policy is made? And how do we ensure government listens to their voices?

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