Search results for legislation as code

  • Age-inclusive language and content

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Content design guidance / Inclusive language / Age-inclusive language and content

    When you write about age, avoid using stereotypes or words that may discriminate against people.

  • Digital Investment Office

    Found in Standards & guidance / Governance / Digital investment / Digital Investment Office

    The Digital Investment Office supports the Government Chief Digital Officer and works with the Treasury and other public sector system leaders to achieve government-wide strategies and outcomes for digital investment.

  • GEA-NZ dimension: Governance and performance

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Enterprise architecture / GEA-NZ  framework / Dimensions of the GEA-NZ framework / GEA-NZ dimension: Governance and performance

    This section will help you to consider governance needs and performance measures across all aspects of your architecture.

  • Building high performing CWP sites

    Found in Blog / Published 06 September 2017 / By Paul Murray

    Common Web Platform Performance Guide
    It takes time to build websites that are both high performing and pleasing to the eye. The performance of a site, both functional and visual, is ultimately determined by its configuration and the level of testing it is subjected to.

    To support Common Web Platform (CWP) developers in their projects, we’ve put together a performance guide that we consider to be an essential read. Both the performance guide and SilverStripe’s debug toolbar were delivered throu…

  • Helping users find what they’re looking for

    Found in Blog / Published 28 October 2014 / By Alison Jack

    Since returning from my secondment to the project, I’ve been using what I learned to improve the search engine optimisation (SEO) of the Work and Income website.

    The Work and Income brand
    I thought that most Kiwis would navigate straight to the website because it’s so well known. I didn’t expect high numbers for people coming from search engines.

    Imagine my surprise that since January 2014 around 72% of external sessions originated at organic search (eg Google, Bing etc). In September…

  • CWP update: developments through the co-funded pool

    Found in Blog / Published 18 September 2014 / By Bene Anderson

    In this post I'll talk about a range of features and improvements that have recently been delivered through the co-funded development pool. I'll also talk about automation, which is one of the main themes in the technical evolution of the Common Web Platform (CWP).

    Before I get started, I want to explain what the co-funded pool is. Included in the monthly fees for using CWP, is a contribution of hours into the pool. Agencies raise ideas to improve CWP. These might be new features, imp…

  • Numbers

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Content design guidance / Numbers

    How to write numbers, currency, dates, times, and phone numbers.

  • Sharing Value: Share the insights

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) / Read the DPUP Guidelines / Sharing Value Guideline / Share the insights

    Think about who might benefit from the insights, what they might need and how they will have access.

  • Direct contracts with providers of public cloud services

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Cloud services / Adopt public cloud services / Ways to buy public cloud services / Direct contracts with providers of public cloud services

    Your organisation might accept or negotiate contracts directly with the providers of public cloud services.

  • Concepts of the trust framework

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Trust framework for digital identity / Concepts of the trust framework

    The trust framework helps to protect people’s information and privacy.

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