Search results for legislation as code

  • Creating information and data

    Found in Standards & guidance / Governance / Managing online channels / Web information and data lifecycle / Creating information and data

    As with accessibility, usability and security, good practices in online information and data management can't be applied retrospectively. It's essential that they be considered from the start of the development lifecycle.

  • Getting government to use plain English

    Found in Blog / Published 25 November 2014 / By Corinne Cordes

    In June 2014 the Department of Internal Affairs Digital Transformation team hosted the Assisted Digital Summit. Small business owners, community workers, public servants, and IT entrepreneurs came together to explore how to help people transact with government digitally, and how to provide alternatives for those who can’t.

    Although the need for government to use plain English (or plain language) falls outside the scope of Assisted Digital, people attending thought it was important, as everythin…

  • Improving government payroll systems

    Found in Digital government / Programmes and projects / Finished programmes and projects / Improving government payroll systems

    The Government Chief Digital Officer (GCDO) worked with Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment on a work programme to improve government’s payroll systems.

  • LabPlus: What's Next?

    Found in Blog / Published 26 September 2017 / By Pia Andrews

    TL;DRAfter some successful experimentation earlier in the year, the Service Innovation team at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) have the green light to move forward with our work in supporting a more integrated approach to service delivery across the New Zealand Government, largely on the back of our Government as a Platform (GaaP) work. For more details about GaaP,  see our earlier blog posts.

    We are really excited to be forming a core team of service designers, technical ninjas, data…

  • Lab+: storming and forming

    Found in Blog / Published 03 May 2017 / By Pia Andrews

    In the last week, the Lab+ team* has rapidly undergone storming and forming, bringing together enthusiastic experts from across government to work on a new way of delivering government services. We are creating a purposefully diverse group of design, architect/technical, content, domain experience, engagement and user researchers, and we will introduce the team here on the blog in a few days.

    Part of the broader Lab experiment is to baseline your team so you can assess progress of the team and…

  • People aren’t here to enjoy themselves

    Found in Blog / Published 27 January 2014 / By Nathan Wall

    A quote from the user testing we did on the site at the end of last year:

    People aren’t here to enjoy themselves; they’re here to find information.

    User research on beta.govt.nzSince we’re a beta site, we’re continuing to talk to users to help prioritise our development effort. We’ve already published a few things we learned and the assumptions we’d made that turned out to be false.

    Our research objectivesWe explored 3 main areas:

    Was the content on the beta site using the langu…

  • LabPlus: The value of coding in the open for building integrated services

    Found in Blog / Published 25 May 2018 / By Brenda Wallace

    This post is written by and for developers. We want to share with you the Service Innovation Lab's commitment to open source everything we can, how and why we work this way, and the things we have open sourced that pre-date the creation of the Lab.

  • User testing — an optimal experience

    Found in Blog / Published 22 May 2014 / By Andrea Key

    Optimal Experience have just completed the third and final round of user testing on the beta site. Their findings reassured us that we’re on the right track.

    Why test a beta site?The industry feedback we’ve received is invaluable and we’ve used it to refine a number of aspects of the site — thank you. is designed for our end users — ordinary New Zealanders — and it’s their needs we’ve been striving to meet. User testing works: it addresses functionality, interface design and conten…

  • Common Web Platform: We’re just beginning

    Found in Blog / Published 04 November 2013 / By Bene Anderson

    On September 16 2013, the Common Web Platform (CWP) was officially launched. While this marks the end of an action-packed 8 month project, for CWP it’s just the beginning.

    How did CWP come about?
    July 2011 — the Rethink Online Strategy called for new approach to how government invests in and manages its online channels in order to achieve better customer experience, improved value for money, and increased strategic agility.
    August 2011 — a cross-agency working group was created to establish the…

  • Legislative barriers to digital service delivery

    Found in Blog / Published 31 July 2018 / By Nadia Webster

    SummaryThe Service Innovation Lab (the Lab) worked with the Parliamentary Counsel Office (PCO) and Stats NZ to identify legislative barriers to delivering digitally enabled government services. We ran two workshops with people from a range of public sector agencies, and asked them about legislative barriers they have experienced, and their ideas to reduce or eliminate them. Many barriers prevent improvements to service delivery at scale and the ability for service providers to respond to change.…

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