Search results for legislation as code

  • Insights from COVID-19: Using a model of needs to consider an agency’s digital capabilities

    Found in Blog / Published 16 December 2020 / By Colin Holden

    Insights from COVID-19 and some considerations for the digital capabilities that are needed to strengthen government resilience and responsiveness during a crisis.

  • 5 lessons learnt from testing on

    Found in Blog / Published 26 March 2014 / By Siobhan Cotter

    The project isn’t just about building a website. It’s about government doing things differently. The project approach involves using Agile development, focusing on plain English, and embedding a tester within the project team. It turns out that when you combine these elements, you get a wide range of unexpected benefits. In this post, Siobhan Cotter talks about her experience as tester on the team.

    On the project, one of the guiding principles being followed is that a fu…

  • What we copied from the UK, and what we didn’t

    Found in Blog / Published 05 November 2013 / By Jared Gulian

    When we launched the website in August 2013, people noticed its striking similarity to a certain website from the United Kingdom, GOV.UK. That was no accident. The UK website is an open source project that seeks to radically redefine government online delivery and share those innovations with the world. We took them at their word.

    But what exactly did we borrow from the UK? And more importantly, what did we do to ensure that our solution meets the specific needs of New Zealanders?…

  • Selling products and services

    Found in Products & services / Selling products and services

    What your business needs to know about ICT Common Capabilities and selling products and services to government agencies.

  • Security

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Security

    All government-held information requires appropriate protection. Government agencies must consider the nature and value of the information they’re managing and the measures needed to protect it.

  • Live

    Found in Standards & guidance / Strategy and planning / Digital lifecycle / Live

    Build services around the needs of users.

    Think about the lifecycle of digital delivery.

    You've moved your site or service into a stable live phase. It meets the stakeholder needs you identified through earlier phases, you have resource and budget dedicated to maintaining it, and your analytics are configured to monitor its performance against key performance indicators (KPIs). But that doesn't mean we're done. You need to constantly review how it's performing against objec…

  • Common Web Platform first update

    Found in Blog / Published 18 December 2013 / By Bene Anderson

    Bene Anderson, product manager for the Common Web Platform (CWP), shares the first in a regular series of updates regarding the CWP.

    Welcome to the first edition of the Common Web Platform (CWP) newsletter. By creating these posts I aim to keep agency staff and their web providers up to date with what’s happening on the CWP. I will be providing information about what agencies are doing, as well as work undertaken by DIA, SilverStripe and Revera.

    I will publish a newsletter every 2 months. If y…

  • GEA-NZ dimension: Application and software services

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Enterprise architecture / GEA-NZ  framework / Dimensions of the GEA-NZ framework / GEA-NZ dimension: Application and software services

    The application and software services dimension is one of the 4 core dimensions that represent the operational aspects of your enterprise architecture.

  • Understanding the benefits of GenAI to the public service

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Artificial intelligence (AI) / Interim Generative AI guidance for the public service / Understanding the benefits of GenAI to the public service

    Learn about the potential benefits of GenAI to the New Zealand public service, use cases and examples of free and paid GenAI tools.

  • Making it easier - the Rates Rebates story so far…

    Found in Blog / Published 12 December 2018 / By Glen Thurston

    The Service Innovation Lab team (the Lab) collaborated between the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), Tauranga City Council and Auckland Council to complete user testing of the Rates Rebates Alpha. This prototype digital service makes it easier for low-income homeowners to understand their entitlement and apply for a Rates Rebate. Here we share the work undertaken so far on the Rates Rebate Alpha and what’s next.

    BackgroundA Rates Rebate is a subsidy (up to $630) for low-income homeowners on…

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