Search results for legislation as code

  • First steps towards a Government Online Engagement Service

    Found in Blog / Published 14 August 2013 / By Nadia Webster

    The Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) is making progress on a new Government Online Engagement Service (GOES). If you have seen the presentation video or read the video transcript, you’ll have some background already about the project. This blog post is to give you a more detailed picture of the project, the stage we’re at now, and how you can be involved.

    The story so farDIA formed a cross-organisational working group to develop a service vision for how government could make better use of t…

  • New Government Web Standards

    Found in Blog / Published 01 July 2013 / By Jason Kiss

    Effective 01 July 2013, new Government Web Standards replace the New Zealand Government Web Standards 2.0.

    Developed in conjunction with disability communities, vendors, and representatives from State Sector organisations, the new Standards not only set clear and common requirements to guide the design and development of quality web content, but they also establish the minimum level of quality that websites are expected to meet in order to better ensure that Government is providing usable, acce…

  • How I Became an Open Data Convert

    Found in Blog / Published 24 September 2012 / By Paul Stone

    When I talk to my family and friends about open data…well, I soon stop. Their glazed look tells me I might as well save my breath. Just a couple of years ago I had no idea what open data was myself, then one day the penny dropped and I haven’t looked back. Luckily, there are lots of other enthusiasts out there to talk to.

    So what IS open data? Well, in short, it’s data made available for reuse on the internet in a format that is non-proprietary and “machine readable”. Available for reuse means…

  • Legacy system guidance

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Legacy system guidance

    Guidance on replacing or retiring legacy systems and technology and how to manage risk during the process.

  • Transparency and Choice: Help people to understand

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) / Read the DPUP Guidelines / Transparency and Choice Guideline / Help people to understand

    The Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) gives agencies advice to help people understand what information they’re being asked to provide, and why.

  • LabPlus: Rates Rebates Prototyping

    Found in Blog / Published 08 May 2018 / By Siobhan McCarthy

    SummaryIn this post we are talking about prototyping and testing with people within the Rates Rebates Alpha. This post steps through the design prototyping approach to provide a practical understanding of what is involved, noting that all work is based on extensive user research already conducted around the challenge of rates rebates. The prototyping gave us a chance to test several quite different approaches to the rebate to find what worked best for people.

    Rates rebates are a subsidy that gi…

  • LabPlus: how service integration supports end users

    Found in Blog / Published 18 October 2017 / By Pia Andrews

    TL;DRPeople are often curious about what we are doing and why. There’s a lot of interest from a range of organisations and individuals in our work, so I’d like to share a bit about the Service Integration (LabPlus) approach and how we work.

    Below are some of the key challenges facing government in creating sustainable, relevant and responsive services, including the ability of governments everywhere to scale to the increasing complexity of the communities we serve. Then how our Service Integrat…

  • What PMAF is

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Privacy Maturity Assessment Framework (PMAF) and self-assessments / Learn about PMAF / What PMAF is

    The Privacy Maturity Assessment Framework (PMAF) helps agencies understand their current level of privacy maturity in managing personal information, and identify where they can improve.

  • Alpha

    Found in Standards & guidance / Strategy and planning / Digital lifecycle / Alpha

    Build services around the needs of users.

    Think about the lifecycle of digital delivery.

    During the alpha phase you'll be drafting and testing prototypes of aspects of your site or service, to gather input from users and knowledge about ways in which the problem statement can be addressed.

    Your objective is to develop a basic working model. Base your efforts on your research in the discovery phase and shape it in response to what you hear from users and stakeholders. Try to whittle down…

  • Service design for updating name and gender

    Found in Blog / Published 14 February 2020 / By Michael Parfitt

    The Department of Internal Affairs Customer design and uptake team share what they’ve learnt about designing digital processes for different communities, including the transgender community.

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