Search results for legislation as code

  • Testing technology solutions for caseflow management before investment

    Found in Showcase

    The Ministry of Justice ran a Proof of Concept (PoC) to understand how technology could support the management of court cases from start to finish (caseflow management) and explore future ways of working.

  • Digital View — Elisa Capecci, Data Scientist

    Found in Blog / Published 16 July 2021 / By Elisa Capecci

    Digital View presents the unique thoughts, ideas and experiences of a Digital Public Service team member. Our first subject in this series of blog posts is Elisa Capecci, a data scientist who works as part of the Business Intelligence team.

  • LabPlus: Reusable component - Family Services Directory

    Found in Blog / Published 02 March 2018 / By Pia Andrews

    TL;DRThis blog post is a collaboration between the Service Innovation Lab, the Family Services Directory team from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD), the SmartStart team in the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) and Catalyst IT (the SmartStart developer). Our many thanks also to the team for their support in making this success story. Please see the new SmartStart “Services near me” functionality for the first use case of our first reusable component from the Service Innova…

  • Google Analytics screencast — Tip #4: jQuery Event Tracking

    Found in Blog / Published 25 September 2015 / By Nathan Wall

    A walk-through of the javascript we use to do some of our event tracking.

  • Terms and conditions for negotiating contracts for public cloud services

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Cloud services / Adopt public cloud services / Negotiate contracts for public cloud services / Terms and conditions for negotiating contracts for public cloud services

    When negotiations are needed, these are terms and conditions that government organisations often consider — including the minimum areas they must consider.

  • 2022 privacy maturity report

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Privacy Maturity Assessment Framework (PMAF) and self-assessments / GCPO privacy maturity reports / 2022 privacy maturity report

    The GCPO used the agency self-assessments to produce this report on the state of privacy maturity in the public sector for 2022.

  • Customer usability testing

    Found in Blog / Published 19 February 2020 / By Valerie Poort

    Department of Internal Affairs senior service designer Valerie Poort discusses the customer usability testing undertaken before the launch of a new online application service for citizenship.

  • LabPlus: Exploring API Security

    Found in Blog / Published 12 February 2018 / By Nadia Webster

    TL;DRBecause APIs are central to our work, the Service Innovation Lab has been working closely with the Government Enterprise Architects Group in the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) to explore future security and control models for APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow greater resilience, flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to genuine risks in a rapidly changing environment. We are running a "Tech Check" event tomorrow and we welcome you to join us in this disc…

  • Google Tag Manager: Why it’s the new hotness and how not to get burned

    Found in Blog / Published 09 October 2015 / By Giles Boutel

    For many, Google Analytics (GA) has become a de facto standard for web stats. It doesn’t cost anything, it’s easy to implement, and it will send you a lovely graph-laden PDF for reading, printing or framing, and to tell your boss how your website is doing.

    But GA has some disadvantages:

    GA tracks page-views based on URLs for pages that have the code embedded. If you want to track special activity like video watches or outward link clicks, you either have to place code in the HTML for each item…

  • Lab+: Norming and performing

    Found in Blog / Published 12 May 2017 / By Pia Andrews

    TL;DRWe have put together a draft Lab+ work plan to help you better understand what we are trying to do. Please let us know what you think and we will update the plan as we go. We suggest you work through the information pack, but below is most of the content for convenience and discovery.

    Finalising our goals, approach and outcomesThe basicsLife is about people, not agencies. When people contact government they usually want to do something broader than the agency’s scope, but often services re…

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