Search results for legislation as code

  • Colour and contrast

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Accessibility / Colour and contrast

    It’s important to consider how you use colour in your online content (web pages, PDFs, or other online material) to ensure that people with colour blindness, colour vision deficiencies, partial sight or low vision, can access all the information in that content.

  • About the Web Accessibility Standard

    Found in Standards & guidance / NZ Government Web Standards / Web Accessibility Standard 1.1 / About the Web Accessibility Standard

    This overview is informative only and doesn't constitute part of the New Zealand Government Web Accessibility Standard. It's subject to change without notice.

  • New templates for new content

    Found in Blog / Published 27 June 2016 / By Meg Howie

    The team recently made some changes to You can see these changes in the information we’re providing around births, deaths and marriages, and in our new content about health services relevant to older people (which can be found throughout the health hub).

    A new type of contentThrough these pilots we’ve introduced significantly more information onto the site. It’s also different from most of our existing information. Rather than ‘signpost’ pages that give a brief summary then poi…

  • A/B/C/D/Evolving the homepage design

    Found in Blog / Published 05 December 2014 / By Nathan Wall

    When launched in July this year we’d already completed several rounds of user research. The design of the site and the layout of the homepage had changed a lot since we launched the first beta version the previous year.

    How users are getting to our homepageAfter several months, we started to see some interesting patterns in our website analytics. A lot of people were searching Google using terms like:

    “new zealand government” (and various alternative versions)
    “nz government website”

  • Google Analytics screencast — Tip #6: Segments

    Found in Blog / Published 30 September 2015 / By Nathan Wall

    Segments are one of the most powerful things that Google Analytics allows you to do.

  • Responsive web design: a case study

    Found in Blog / Published 03 September 2012 / By Nathan Wall

    Have you looked at your site recently using a mobile phone, tablet or netbook? Is it all a bit ugly, hard to read, or just completely broken?

    If your site has been around for any length of time it was probably designed for a screen size of 1024×768 pixels, or even something a bit bigger. Maybe it looks 'OK' on a tablet, but squish it down to a 320×480 pixel screen used by many mobile devices and you probably can't read it that easily.

    Now look at your site on a 27-inch widescree…

  • Using Kumu to share our research

    Found in Blog / Published 10 July 2019 / By Matt McCallum

    How the Service Innovation Lab used Kumu to share learnings from their design research.

  • About the Web Usability Standard

    Found in Standards & guidance / NZ Government Web Standards / Web Usability Standard 1.3 / About the Web Usability Standard

    This overview is informative only and doesn't constitute part of the New Zealand Government Web Usability Standard. It's subject to change without notice.

  • Improving the search capability and user experience of our websites

    Found in Blog / Published 31 May 2024 / By Shafquat Kabir

    We’ve recently upgraded from Solr to Elasticsearch for some of our websites. We’ll share our challenges with our previous search system, our technology selection process, the features and benefits of a modern search system and how we went from discovery to actual implementation.

  • Derived information and other calculated values

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Identification management / Guidance / Derived information and other calculated values

    This guidance describes how values for information are derived, inferred or estimated from other information. It also explains the levels of assurance of these values.

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