Search results for legislation as code

  • Funding recipients

    Found in Digital government / Programmes and projects / Finished programmes and projects / Digital Government Partnership Innovation Fund / Funding recipients

    Find out which agencies and projects received innovation funding from the 2021/22 and 2020/21 funding rounds.

  • Archives moving services online

    Found in Blog / Published 31 May 2019 / By Denise Williams

    In this blog, Denise Williams, Director Transformation at Archives NZ, writes about how Archives is moving their services online.

  • Web analytics dashboards: making reporting simple and easy

    Found in Blog / Published 06 July 2015 / By Sarah Young

    Over the last few months I have been working with Nathan Wall finding out how agencies manage their web analytics reporting and what their needs are. We’ve now created some easy to understand dashboard reports. It’s a solution that:

    can be automated
    will help agencies with routine web analytics reporting
    will encourage consistent and common reporting across government
    will reduce the feeling some people have of being overwhelmed by data.
    Creating easier to understand dashboard reportsDashboards…

  • Identification terminology

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Identification management / Identification terminology

    How terms related to identification management are used.

  • Integrated data tools

    Found in Showcase

    New Zealand is leading the world with its use of data integration for research and analysis, and Stats NZ is at the forefront.

  • Redevelopment of

    Found in Blog / Published 09 July 2013 / By Jared Gulian referred to in this post is now

    The Digital Engagement Team at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) is in the process of redeveloping the website. The presentation below talks about the problem we’re trying to solve, the iterative and agile approach we’re taking, the prototype we developed, and the user testing and research we’ve done so far. At the end we talk about how we’re re-using open source code from the United Kingdom, and we show some…

  • What DPUP is

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) / Learn about DPUP / What DPUP is

    The Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) describes what ‘doing the right thing’ looks like when you collect or use people’s personal information.

  • Videos

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Accessibility / Videos

    Make your video content accessible to a wide range of people.

  • Managing the risks of GenAI to the public service

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Artificial intelligence (AI) / Interim Generative AI guidance for the public service / Managing the risks of GenAI to the public service

    There are several risks to public service use of GenAI. Learn how to use GenAI safely, ethically and in privacy-protecting ways.

  • Privacy domains

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Privacy Maturity Assessment Framework (PMAF) and self-assessments / Complete a self-assessment / Privacy domains

    Privacy domains is 1 of 4 sections of the Privacy Maturity Assessment Framework (PMAF). There are 6 elements to assess.

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