Search results for legislation as code

  • Lab+: Potential future states for government service delivery

    Found in Blog / Published 21 June 2017 / By Pia Andrews

    In the Lab+ experiment we have been testing the concept of what integrated services could look like into the future, including what a user's experience with government might be like. We have taken a strong user-centred approach to our service design. We intentionally created a safe, neutral place for people from different agencies to work collaboratively to explore what services could look like and what insights we could discover when you don't apply an agency-specific lens.

    One of th…

  • Authenticator types

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Identification management / Guidance / Authenticator types

    This guide describes various authenticator types and provides examples and considerations for their use. It does not prescribe the use of any specific authenticator.

  • LabPlus: Exploring optimistic futures

    Found in Blog / Published 20 February 2018 / By Pia Andrews

    TL;DRIf we only iterate away from pain, how will we design let alone move towards a better future? This post explores the necessity of collectively exploring potential future states for how we live as individuals, organisations and community, so we can work towards something meaningful. Otherwise we run the risk of simply recreating the past with shiny new things. It covers some work we are doing to explore optimistic futures.

    See the Optimistic Futures for 2070 event happening this week for al…

  • Emerging Tech: APIs for service delivery

    Found in Blog / Published 07 March 2018 / By Nadia Webster

    TL;DRAs part of a regular Emerging Technology series the Service Integration team at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) brought together presenters from inside and outside of government to share how they were using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for service delivery and ways we could improve service delivery with other approaches.

    APIs are a set of clearly defined methods of communication between various software components. They are not an emerging technology as they have been…

  • Emerging Tech: Measurement

    Found in Blog / Published 07 December 2017 / By Nadia Webster

    TL;DRAs part of a regular Emerging Technology series the Service Integration team at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), in partnership with the Ministry for Social Development (MSD), brought together presenters from inside and outside of government to share how they were using measurement to inform decision-making.

    Good measurement helps us understand the impacts of our actions and interventions. The presenters shared how they use sensors, data and analytics to pilot new ways to communic…

  • Emerging Tech: Virtual and Augmented Reality

    Found in Blog / Published 16 February 2018 / By Nadia Webster

    TL;DRAs part of a regular Emerging Technology series the Service Integration team at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) brought together presenters from inside and outside of government to share how they were using Virtual and Augmented Reality to engage or train people, or perform tasks.

    The technology behind Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) has advanced significantly. It now provides opportunities to deliver empathetic and insightful experiences that help people get close…

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