Search results for legislation as code

  • LabPlus: Lessons about service innovation at French State Incubator

    Found in Blog / Published 01 May 2018 / By Matti Schneider , Pia Andrews

    Presentation by Matti Schneider 

    On 6 April 2018, we had the privilege of having Matti Schneider, visiting New Zealand from France, provide an impromptu presentation at the Service Innovation Lab about his experience in running the French Government State Incubator, This included examples of State Startups such as the open data portal and social network,, and OpenFisca, a benefits and taxation modelling tool we are now exploring for use in New Zealand.

    Matti demonstr…

  • Digital Public Service Hui 2021

    Found in Digital government / Data, Digital and Security Summit — July 2023 / Previous events / Digital Public Service Hui 2021

    The Hui was held on 26 August 2021 for senior digital leaders from across New Zealand government to share their contributions to digital government and learn from their peers.

  • Digital information management

    Found in Standards & guidance / Governance / Digital information management

    Understand the principles, legislation and requirements for managing the data and records you keep.

  • Implementing the Federation Assurance Standard

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Identification management / Guidance / Implementing the Federation Assurance Standard

    Guidance on the Federation Assurance Standard and how to comply with the controls.

  • Listening to the voice of youth in policy development

    Found in Blog / Published 24 March 2020 / By Merrin Macleod

    How do we ensure more young people have a say in how government policy is made? And how do we ensure government listens to their voices?

  • GEA-NZ dimension: Standards

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Enterprise architecture / GEA-NZ  framework / Dimensions of the GEA-NZ framework / GEA-NZ dimension: Standards

    The standards dimension of the framework outlines the rationale, specification and identification of digital and data-related standards, and the mapping of standards to other framework dimensions.

  • Risks of shadow cloud to government organisations

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Cloud services / Cloud plans / Shadow cloud / Risks of shadow cloud to government organisations

    Shadow cloud increases risk to your organisation, the NZ government and New Zealanders by not making the risks to your information known — this prevents you from using security controls effectively.

  • Open Data Culture Change

    Found in Blog / Published 25 January 2013 / By Colin MacDonald

    Colin MacDonald is Chief Executive of the Department of Internal Affairs and Government Chief Information Officer. Here he reflects on the huge cultural change required by New Zealand government agencies in making data openly available, the benefits and the progress we are making.

    In the time I’ve been involved in the government’s open data activities I’ve seen a genuine change in the attitude of agencies in making their data more open and available.

    Until recently, I chaired the Data and Info…

  • Information Assurance Standard

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Identification management / Identification Management Standards / Information Assurance Standard

    This standard provides specific information management controls to ensure information collected is suitable for accurate decisions to be made regarding the eligibility or capability of an Entity.

  • Google Analytics screencast — Tip #3: An Overview of Event Tracking

    Found in Blog / Published 23 September 2015 / By Nathan Wall

    How to set up event tracking, what sort of things you can record, and tips on where to get the code to get you started.

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