Search results for rates rebate

  • Implementing the Authentication Assurance Standard

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Identification management / Guidance / Implementing the Authentication Assurance Standard

    Guidance on the Authentication Assurance Standard and how to comply with the controls.

  • User testing: the Wellington bias

    Found in Blog / Published 30 May 2016 / By Corinne Cordes

    In May, births, deaths and marriages content from the Department of Internal Affairs was published on It’s a development we’re very excited about and like all new parts of the site we want to be sure we get it right, so in April we undertook some user testing.

    The user testing marked a new phase of our testing approach: rather than doing big tests occasionally, we want to move to testing small and often, which we feel is a better fit with our iterative approach. So for this round of te…

  • Coding legislation for social good

    Found in Blog / Published 18 June 2018 / By Nigel Charman

    Guest blog post by Nigel Charman, a Service Lead for DevOps at Assurity.

    Better Rules HackAs part of Techweek 2018, Assurity hosted the Better Rules Hack (see the recent blog post on the Better Rules Hack - Wellington), to explore the ideas and practice of turning legislation into machine consumable 'digital rules' that can be reused and integrated across domains. Nigel Charman, from Assurity, joined a team who opted to figure out how organ donors could more easily discover what’s inv…

  • LabPlus: Exploring API Security

    Found in Blog / Published 12 February 2018 / By Nadia Webster

    TL;DRBecause APIs are central to our work, the Service Innovation Lab has been working closely with the Government Enterprise Architects Group in the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) to explore future security and control models for APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow greater resilience, flexibility and ability to adapt quickly to genuine risks in a rapidly changing environment. We are running a "Tech Check" event tomorrow and we welcome you to join us in this disc…

  • Authentication Assurance Standard

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Identification management / Identification Management Standards / Authentication Assurance Standard

    This standard provides the controls used to ensure that 1 or more authenticators are still possessed and solely controlled by the authorised holder.

  • How Kiwis are experiencing government in 2019

    Found in Blog / Published 21 August 2019 / By Leigh Vollans , Ruth Brown

    In May 2019, Government Information Services, part of the Department of Internal Affairs, began a piece of research to find out how users perceive and interact with government. We wanted to update our understanding of who is looking for government information and services.

  • Web Standards risk assessment

    Found in Standards & guidance / NZ Government Web Standards / Web Standards risk assessment

    The Web Accessibility Standard and Web Usability Standard require that NZ Government organisations be prepared to assess and report on their conformance with those Standards. This includes submitting a risk assessment and management plan regarding any areas of non-conformance.

  • 2022 privacy maturity report

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Privacy Maturity Assessment Framework (PMAF) and self-assessments / GCPO privacy maturity reports / 2022 privacy maturity report

    The GCPO used the agency self-assessments to produce this report on the state of privacy maturity in the public sector for 2022.

  • LabPlus: how service integration supports end users

    Found in Blog / Published 18 October 2017 / By Pia Andrews

    TL;DRPeople are often curious about what we are doing and why. There’s a lot of interest from a range of organisations and individuals in our work, so I’d like to share a bit about the Service Integration (LabPlus) approach and how we work.

    Below are some of the key challenges facing government in creating sustainable, relevant and responsive services, including the ability of governments everywhere to scale to the increasing complexity of the communities we serve. Then how our Service Integrat…

  • 7 steps to helping older people find what they need

    Found in Blog / Published 16 May 2016 / By Meg Howie

    At, we’re working on producing information about services that are relevant to older people. We published a big chunk of new content about health services on the site on the 29th of April. Our approach is to organise content around the needs of users rather than the structure of government. Here’s the process we followed to decide how to group the pages so that people can find the information they need.

    1. Environment scan — what information is out there?To begin, we looked online and f…

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