Search results for legislation as code

  • Exploring open standards for the government organisations dataset

    Found in Blog / Published 08 May 2019 / By Cam Findlay

    We’ve been investigating open standards for the government organisation dataset, part of our Open Government Partnership National Action Plan. Read on to hear about our findings and input into the next steps.

  • On open source and open government

    Found in Blog / Published 25 May 2015 / By Amie Holman

    Note: The Web Toolkit mentioned in this post is now published on, using the Silverstripe CMS.

    In April I went to the Open Source // Open Society conference, two very full days of inspiring brain food, practical workshops and chances to connect over coffee with a passionate community of people interested in what the world looks like when it is a more open place. It was great to hear the call to action from the top that government should embrace open government and it made me thin…

  • Privacy by Design (PbD)

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Manage a privacy programme / Privacy by Design (PbD)

    Privacy by Design (PbD) is a design methodology that includes privacy as an essential priority of any product, service, system or process.

  • Leveraging deep digital capability during COVID-19

    Found in Showcase

    Inland Revenue’s previous investment in becoming a digitally enabled workplace positioned them well to keep business running, manage customer demand and support the government’s response during COVID-19.

  • Authority to act for another Entity

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Identification management / Guidance / Authority to act for another Entity

    This guidance describes how authorities to act are represented as relationships and how these can be verified.

  • Discovery

    Found in Standards & guidance / Strategy and planning / Digital lifecycle / Discovery

    Build services around the needs of users.

    Think about the lifecycle of digital delivery.

    In this phase you'll:

    describe the opportunity or problem your users have that you want to address
    identify user needs (as you understand them now) and how your service will meet them
    map out how you’ll engage users during the project (and beyond)
    establish the approximate scope of the project and what it might cost
    outline who will have responsibility for the service meeting its goals
    describe how t…

  • Counter fraud techniques

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Identification management / Guidance / Counter fraud techniques

    Guidance on additional steps that can be added to identification processes to increase their integrity and reduce fraud.

  • What legal authority to use

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Information sharing / Information sharing agreements / Legal authority to share information / What legal authority to use

    Find the legal authority that allows you to share information. Consider the Privacy Act 2020 or other primary legislation — such as the Oranga Tamariki Act or Family Violence Act.

  • Binding Assurance Standard

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Identification management / Identification Management Standards / Binding Assurance Standard

    This standard provides specific controls for ensuring an entity is appropriately bound to their entity information and to an authenticator in order to prevent identity theft.

  • Jonathan Mosen speaks to the Service Innovation Lab team about accessibility

    Found in Blog / Published 27 July 2018 / By Siobhan McCarthy

    Jonathan Mosen is an accessibility specialist and advocate, author, and broadcaster. He is also totally blind. Jonathan called for an inquiry into this year’s census after he found it incredibly difficult for those with vision impairment to complete.

    We, at the Service Innovation Lab team, asked Jonathan to visit the Lab to talk to us and other service designers about designing accessible services for those who are blind or visually impaired.

    Jonathan spoke about what it is like accessing (or…

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