Search results for plain english

  • About this content design guidance

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Content design guidance / About this content design guidance

    This guidance includes best-practice advice on how to write for government digital channels.

  • Te reo Māori

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Content design guidance / Inclusive language / Te reo Māori

    Ways to help show respect for and normalise the use of te reo Māori when using it in an English context in government content.

  • What is Better Rules?

    Found in Blog / Published 20 December 2019 / By Hamish Fraser

    The Better Rules concept offers a fresh approach for multidisciplinary teams when developing policy. This approach provides them with the tools to develop a coherent concept model and potential rule set for the policy topic they’re focusing on.

  • Accessibility for Microsoft Word documents

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Accessibility / Accessibility for Microsoft Word documents

    Understand the best practices that increase the accessibility of Word documents and help with the conversion of Word to PDF.

  • Lab+: Design sprint for SmartStart

    Found in Blog / Published 28 July 2017 / By Susan Diamond

    … from another room. That way we could see and hear everything but wouldn't make people uncomfortable. Overall, the feedback from was people was positive.

    Lessons and surprisesWe did have some unexpected responses to some of the prototype designs.

    Plain English. While we thought that we'd written plain, straightforward text for the prototype, we confused some of our testers. So we'll need to spend more time crafting the text to avoid any misunderstanding.
    Context is everything. S…

  • Why DPUP has a Transparency and Choice Guideline

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) / Read the DPUP Guidelines / Transparency and Choice Guideline / Why DPUP has a Transparency and Choice Guideline

    Help people understand why and how providing personal information can help them or people in similar circumstances, if providing some information is optional, and their rights to access or request changes.

  • NZ government logo markup

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Usability / NZ government logo markup

    Use this HTML markup with the NZ government logo to make it accessible.

  • Types of alternate formats

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Accessibility / Alternate formats / Types of alternate formats

    An alternate format is web or print content that has been converted into a different format so that disabled people can access and use the information.

  • Forum brings government agencies together for Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2024

    Found in Blog / Published 19 June 2024 / By Callum McMenamin

    New Zealand’s second Government Digital Accessibility Forum was held on 16 May 2024 on Global Accessibility Awareness Day.

  • Part II: Literacy and government websites – to the data!

    Found in Blog / Published 17 February 2015 / By Annika Naschitzki

    In the first part of this blog post series, I discussed research showing that low literacy affects a large proportion of New Zealand’s working population. In this section, I’ll explain why that matters and what is doing about it.

    Why this matters for government websitesAdult Learning and Life Skill (ALL) surveyThis suggests that there may be a systematic but unnoticed bias in how the public sector designs services. What government workers and consultants find easy to understand may not…

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