Search results for legislation as code

  • Supporting critical risk management in New Zealand's ports industry

    Found in Showcase

    Port environments are inherently complex and high risk operations. With the introduction of new health and safety legislation in April 2016, New Zealand ports asked us for clarification on some aspects of the law in the context of their work.

  • Sharing cultural content made with the Lab

    Found in Blog / Published 19 November 2018 / By Tiopira Piripi

    The Service Innovation Lab (the Lab) works in an open and transparent way. We publish our code, reports and insights for public reuse, and to help us test and get feedback to continually drive increased integrity of the work and outcomes over time.

  • Victim of Crime Life Event: Service Design nitty gritty

    Found in Blog / Published 08 June 2018 / By Emma Martin

    Guest blog post from Emma Martin, New Zealand Police.

    Greetings again from the Victim of Crime Life Event (VoCLE) team based at Police National Headquarters. In our last post, we provided some background about our project. In this post, we’ll share some of what we’ve learned about victims of crime, in the context of integrated service delivery.

    People may not see themselves as ‘victims’‘Victim’ has a specific legal meaning within the Victims’ Right Act 2002. But the term may not always match p…

  • Wrap-up of LabPlus: GaaP tranche 1 (April - June 2017)

    Found in Blog / Published 30 August 2017 / By Pia Andrews

    Watch this video presentation by Pia Waugh (25 mins), or read the transcript below. Please go to the slide show or the mind map of this report and presentation to click through to all the outputs of the first tranche of LabPlus.

    Video transcriptIntroduction Slide 1 - The Lab+ Experiment
    What the future of government service delivery could look like
    The Lab+ Experiments: what the future of government services delivery could look like Slide 2 - The Lab+ Experiment

    Exploring the future of integra…

  • Cabinet Paper — New Zealand Government Web Guidelines

    Found in Standards & guidance / NZ Government Web Standards / Web Standards Cabinet Minute and Paper / Cabinet Paper — New Zealand Government Web Guidelines

    Background to the 2003 Cabinet Minute is provided by this 2003 Cabinet Paper proposing that Cabinet direct State sector organisations implement the New Zealand Government Web Guidelines.

  • Insights from the Rates Rebate Beta

    Found in Blog / Published 11 September 2019 / By Karyn Brice

    Background and key insights from the research completed for the rates rebate application form beta.

  • Government Online Engagement Service (GOES)

    Found in Blog / Published 09 July 2013 / By Nadia Webster

    In New Zealand, central and local government conduct an estimated 1,500 to 3,000 stakeholder engagements annually and use methods that suit government, while expecting participation from people who are often time poor and sporadically available. Low participation rates are common.

    Use of effective online engagement methods have enormous potential to help improve the quality of government decisions and consequently outcomes, by increasing stakeholder engagement and consequently ownership of outc…

  • GCDO assurance services guide

    Found in Standards & guidance / Governance / System Assurance / GCDO Assurance Services Panel / Assurance report executive summaries / GCDO assurance services guide

    The GCDO Assurance Services Guide provides a common definition of the different types of Independent Quality Assurance (IQA) and Technical Quality Assurance (TQA) services provided under GCDO Assurance Services Panel and can be used to define the scope of an assurance engagement.

  • Assess agency privacy risk

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Assess privacy risk / Assess agency privacy risk

    An agency privacy risk assessment provides a snapshot of its current privacy risks and how it will manage them as an organisation.

  • LabPlus: The value of a life events lens – a vehicle for creating long term strategic value

    Found in Blog / Published 28 March 2018 / By Glen Thurston

    TL;DRI would like to share some insights about how the life events based approach creates value for end users and for the broader system of service providers in New Zealand.

    This post talks at length about how the life event lens could contribute to an ongoing value stream (pipeline) of work that is co-developed across organisational boundaries for the benefits of end users. The post proposes some ideas for your feedback and consideration for us to develop guidance for all of government in our…

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