Search results for legislation as code

  • Lab+: industry and community needs for building on 'government as a platform'

    Found in Blog / Published 01 June 2017 / By Pia Andrews

    At Lab+ we are experimenting with a new model for government services. It's based on the idea of government information, transaction services and business rules/regulation being available as APIs/code. This would enable citizen needs to be served through a diverse ecosystem of public and private sector service providers. In short, 'government as a platform'. This is not to be mistaken with common government services or platforms, but rather the original idea adopted by Tim O'…

  • Assisting the Assisted Digital Summit

    Found in Blog / Published 10 July 2014 / By Corinne Cordes

    How do you assist customers to transact digitally, and provide alternatives for those who can’t?

    That’s the question posed by Action 1 in Result 10’s Blueprint and the question we found ourselves trying to answer on Tuesday 24 June in a room full of public servants, community organisations, tech start ups and customers. But our beginnings were much more humble.

    When I (re)joined the Result 10 team in April 2014 to lead Action 1, I inherited a very well intentioned, but ambitious deadline — to…

  • Assessing identification risk

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Identification management / Guidance / Assessing identification risk

    Understand how to conduct an identification risk assessment for your service or transaction. Use this to calculate the right strength of identification processes to protect against information fabrication and identity theft.

  • Make a complaint about an accredited service

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Trust framework for digital identity / Make a complaint

    If you have not been able to resolve your complaint with the provider of the accredited service, ask the Trust Framework Authority to review it.

  • Web Standards risk assessment

    Found in Standards & guidance / NZ Government Web Standards / Web Standards risk assessment

    The Web Accessibility Standard and Web Usability Standard require that NZ Government organisations be prepared to assess and report on their conformance with those Standards. This includes submitting a risk assessment and management plan regarding any areas of non-conformance.

  • Federation Assurance Standard

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Identification management / Identification Management Standards / Federation Assurance Standard

    This standard provides additional controls for parties that provide credentials and/or presentation facilitation mechanisms on which others rely.

  • From ageing processes to world-leading intellectual property services

    Found in Showcase

    In 2017 the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) was ranked number one in the world for online capabilities by World Trade Mark Review. The ranking was based on e-filing, website access and reliability, and third party database and office-actions offerings.

  • Workstream 2: Improving payroll practices

    Found in Digital government / Programmes and projects / Finished programmes and projects / Improving government payroll systems / Improving Government Payroll Systems workstreams / Workstream 2: Improving payroll practices

    Widespread non-compliance with the Holidays Act 2003 within government required significant upgrades to payroll systems. Learn about how payroll practitioners were supported to improve payroll practices.

  • Helping practitioners meet the Web Standards on public sector websites

    Found in Blog / Published 10 March 2020 / By Susan Diamond

    A short course on how to make digital information and services accessible is being offered by Victoria University of Wellington (VUW), in partnership with the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), to support practitioners.

  • What is a legal authority

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Information sharing / Information sharing agreements / Legal authority to share information / What is a legal authority

    Find out what a legal authority is and how it affects information sharing.

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