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What is digital inclusion?

Digital inclusion can be defined as an end-state where everyone has equitable opportunities to participate in society using digital technologies.

Note: As of March 2023, the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) has concluded the digital inclusion programme.

While digital inclusion remains an important issue for Aotearoa New Zealand, DIA currently has no sustainable funding to progress this work.

We appreciate the support and interest shown in digital inclusion through the course of this programme — thanks for being part of its journey.

As we make services better for users through digital technology, it is essential that we work to make sure every New Zealander can access this digital world.

Whether it’s going online to access a public service or just to share the latest meme, for most people engaging with the digital world it is pretty much second nature. And if you’re reading this the chances are this includes you.

But it doesn’t include everyone. The reality is many New Zealanders are either unable or unwilling to do so confidently.

Why digital inclusion matters

With more services going exclusively online, particularly government services, those of us not able to access those services are becoming increasingly disadvantaged.

And even beyond accessing services, a growing body of research indicates digital engagement can play a significant role in improving social outcomes and individual wellbeing through opportunities available in the digital world.

What is already being done to achieve digital inclusion

There is a range of both government and non-government organisations already doing important work enabling people to engage with the digital world and access the opportunities it offers.

But until now there has been little collaboration between these different efforts and limited focus on the wider picture of digital inclusion for all.

The government’s digital inclusion work programme intends to lead, connect and support a coordinated approach to these various works for the best chance of making New Zealand, and all New Zealanders, fully digital.

Te Whata Kōrero: a storehouse for Māori aspirations

The government’s work towards digital inclusion also embodies Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi principles. This includes making sure tāngata whenua have input into decisions relating to digital inclusion and are involved at all levels of this work.

To do this, DIA is developing Te Whata Kōrero, a call to action for tāngata whenua to provide leadership on digital inclusion-related issues, alongside government. DIA will make sure Māori experts in the field, and mandated Māori-led organisations, are supported to collectively work towards a world-leading, indigenous-supported digital future.

The role of government for digital inclusion

There are numerous initiatives already underway, in both the government and non-government sectors, which are enabling people to engage with the internet.

However, many of these programmes only focus on helping their identified audience become digitally included and do not consider how that might contribute to the wider goal of total inclusion nationwide.

The role of the government’s digital inclusion work programme is to have that wider focus.

While much of this work will be led by DIA, it will be important for all digital inclusion initiatives across government to be connected and work together.

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