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All-of-government payroll procurement assurance framework

Government agencies should use the payroll project assurance framework to assess and report progress and delivery confidence for their payroll projects.

Read the Payroll project assurance framework

The project was completed in September 2021. For more information, email the Government Chief Digital Officer (GCDO) —[L2].

Supporting agencies to assess their delivery confidence

The payroll project assurance framework provides guidance for SROs on the questions they need to ask project leaders at key decision points for their payroll projects. These questions will help SROs determine their view of delivery confidence for their payroll projects.

Providing assurance to Ministers

The All-of-government Payroll Programme will meet with SROs at each decision point in the framework to understand how the project is progressing towards delivery.

These conversations will help the Programme identify emerging system-wide risks and potential responses, and inform its six-monthly reports to Ministers that will provide assurance that:

  • expenditure on payroll systems is warranted
  • payroll project risks are managed
  • payroll systems are fit-for-purpose and provided at a reasonable cost.

Framework summary

This table outlines the key questions that SROs need to consider, and outcomes, for each phase in a payroll project.

Table 1: Framework summary

Phase Key question Outcome
Investment proposal Are we ready to invest? Investment is needed, can be justified and/or aligns with government priorities
Initiate project Are we organised to begin the project? Project structure, people, method and management and assurance practices are agreed.
Select solution Is our solution and partner suitable? Procurement, solution selection, contract for services, delivery approach and plan are in place.
Design and build solution Does the detailed design meet our requirements? Design and build/configuration, test, business change and benefits realisation planning and management are completed.
Implement and operate Are we ready to go live? Investment is successfully delivered and aligns with agency and government priorities and benefits are being realised.


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System Assurance

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