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Service Modernisation Roadmap

The All-of-Government Service Modernisation Roadmap lays out a 3-year programme of customer-focused digital initiatives from across the public service with a rolling 3-year horizon.

Improving government digital services

The roadmap aligns effort across government agencies and will drive performance as we move towards a more unified customer service experience for government digital services.

Agencies are responsible for implementing their own initiatives on the roadmap. The Digital Executive Board will oversee implementation of the roadmap and lead an annual process to refresh it in line with current government priorities. The Digital Executive Board will also receive regular implementation progress reports.

View the roadmap as a PDF file, or continue browsing this page to view all initiatives.

Initiatives by layer

The 4 layers the roadmap have been grouped into are:

The full name of each lead agency is provided in the glossary.

Glossary of abbreviations for the roadmap leads

Table 1: Customer service experience

Initiative Description Lead Timeframe
Government AI search assistant (proof of concept) Develop a proof of concept for an AI virtual assistant to search across government websites to make it easier for New Zealanders to find the information and services they need. GCDO -
All-of-Government channel strategy and new brand experience Set the direction for a consistent government approach to service delivery channels and a brand experience. GCDO -
All-of-Government Design System and Service design standard Deliver service design and user experience requirements, guidance and tools to guide agencies to deliver improved and more consistent digital customer service experiences. GCDO -
User research and digital service inventory Provide reporting and insights on high-demand digital services and customer perception to ensure government digital services meet New Zealanders’ needs and expectations. GCDO -
New life event service Identify and scope a potential new integrated ‘life event’ digital service for New Zealanders. GCDO -
Customer service guidelines Develop and deliver customer service guidelines for improving customer experience of digital services. SLST -
Land transport services app Deliver a land transport-related services app to provide a secure digital ‘one-stop shop’ for a range of NZTA services. NZTA -
Architecture for revamp Develop high-level architecture enabling the revamp of to form a single portal for business and make it easier for businesses to access information that creates value for them. MBIE -
Improved tenancy bond services Enhance digital services for tenancy bond collection and distribution to deliver an improved customer experience. MBIE -
Using AI on contact centre calls Increase government productivity by sharing ACC’s approach to using AI to summarise customer call centre transcriptions with other agencies. ACC -
More services on Expand coverage of to support online delivery of services to New Zealanders for whom mobile device data availability is a barrier. MoE/HNZ -
New learning support platform Develop and deliver a new learning support platform for families and caregivers of children with additional learning needs. MoE -
Public library help to use digital services Extend coverage of services to support all New Zealanders to access and use government digital services in public libraries. DIA (National Library) -
New partner contract system Deliver a modern digital system to support contracting with partners in a consistent and transparent manner, meaning social sector partners have less red tape, and better systems and processes. MSD -
New Digital Employment Service Develop a new Digital Employment Service to connect jobseekers, employers and training providers and support New Zealanders to find employment. MSD -
Contact centre modernisation Modernise its Contact Centre and workflow platform to enhance support for court system users. MOJ -
Remote court participation Provide court remote participation services to enhance New Zealanders’ access to justice. MOJ -
MyHealth self-service portal Deliver the MyHealth Record digital self-service portal to enable people to access their personal health information. HNZ -

Table 2: Reusable digital components

Initiative Description Lead Timeframe
Reduce business survey compliance burden Streamline government’s data requests of New Zealand businesses to minimise compliance burden. GCDS -
Plan for administrative data pipeline Develop a plan to build a high-quality administrative data pipeline to provide improved data for service delivery. GCDS -
Increasing API usage Support agencies to increase their usage of reusable Application Programming Interface (API) components that enable secure machine-readable data sharing to support more integrated service delivery. GCDO -
Using FormBuilder more Through FormBuilder, develop simpler and more consistent government forms to make it easier for businesses to provide information digitally to government. MBIE -
Social sector payments service design Create efficiency and value for money by delivering a payments service design for use across social sector agencies. MSD -
Common social sector patterns Create efficiency and value for money by developing common social sector patterns to speed up eligibility assessment and delivery of social sector products and services to New Zealanders. MSD -
ACC uses MyHealthID Leverage HNZ’s MyHealthID to improve the customer experience of onboarding service providers and clients (rather than ACC developing its own unique solution). ACC -
Identity Check service Deliver Identity Check service for online identity verification for government services to make it easier for New Zealanders prove who they are online. DIA -
Digital photos for Identity Check service Provide a unified digital photo submission onboarding service to access government services, that works with Identity Check DIA -
Engaging with people on health topics Provide Consumer Population Identification and Registration (CPIR) tool to identify and support targeted engagement with under-served populations through digital channels. HNZ -
MyHealth Account Provide MyHealth Account digital health identity solution that connects consumers to their health information online and lets them securely access digital health services from anywhere. HNZ -

Table 3: Data, digital and security foundations

Initiative Description Lead Timeframe
Using data standards more Work with key agencies to identify opportunities for implementing data standards in their Service Modernisation Roadmap initiatives, and support those agencies with implementation. GCDS -
Cybersecurity standards Cybersecurity standards. GCISO -
Cybersecurity guidance Cybersecurity guidance. GCISO -
Threat and vulnerability management support Threat and vulnerability management support. GCISO -
Secure infrastructure Infrastructure to support work at different classifications across government. GCISO -
All-of-Government AI work programme Contribute to an All-of-Government AI work programme and support agencies to use AI for its benefits while managing the risks. GCDO -
All-of-Government digital architecture Build out and publish All-of-Government digital architecture to guide agencies towards a unified target state for government digital service delivery. GCDO -
Web and mobile accessibility standards Develop digital standards for web and mobile accessibility to support delivery of user-friendly services for all New Zealanders. GCDO -
Using e-invoicing more Set a clear pathway for consistent use of e-invoicing by government agencies through the Common Process Model and All-of-Government Financial Management Information System (FMIS) supplier panel, to make it easier for businesses to interact with government. GCDO -
Digital identity credentials pathway Develop an All-of-Government pathway for implementation of digital identity credentials. DIA (DISTFB) -
Secure data sharing platform (proof of concept) Develop an innovative proof of concept with IR to explore using a secure and privacy-protecting data sharing platform to support service delivery. ACC -
Improving NZBN register Enhance customer interactions with the New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) register to make it easier for businesses to interact with government. MBIE -
Replacing Government Procurement Catalogue system Replace the system supporting the Government Procurement Catalogue to improve the way agencies procure from the private sector. MBIE -
Secure sharing of Court information Provide service interoperability to securely share Court information with trusted partners (Te Wheke). MOJ -
Digital case and court management Deliver digital case and court management to transform courts' administration and court users' experiences (Te Au Reka). MOJ -
Digital Case Documents Deliver Digital Case Documents to improve tribunal administration and to facilitate remote hearings in the Disputes Tribunal. MOJ -
Immunisation information ecosystem map Develop an immunisation information ecosystem for the education and health sectors (including ECE/schools) to underpin emerging health digital tools. MoE -

Table 4: Doing digital well

Initiative Description Lead Timeframe
Build public trust and confidence Build public trust and confidence in government’s use of data for digital service delivery through a focus on ethics and Māori data governance. GCDS -
Improving government’s digital investment approach Support Treasury to improve the way government invests in digital to deliver greater value for money. GCDO -
Digital system assets Support agencies in sustainable development and ownership of reusable digital system assets to improve government efficiency. GCDO -
Digital workforce planning Lead digital workforce planning to build public service capability to meet current and future service delivery needs. GCDO -
Direction for how government delivers services Support the Digitising Government Ministerial Oversight Group to set the direction for digital government service delivery. GCDO -

Glossary of roadmap leads acronyms

Accident Compensation Corporation
Department of Internal Affairs | Te Tari Taiwhenua
Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Board — Department of Internal Affairs | Te Tari Taiwhenua
Government Chief Digital Officer — Department of Internal Affairs | Te Tari Taiwhenua
Government Chief Data Steward — Stats NZ | Tatauranga Aotearoa
Government Chief Information Security Officer — Government Communications Security Bureau | Te Tira Tiaki
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Hīkina Whakatutuki
Ministry of Justice | Te Tāhū o te Ture
Ministry of Social Development | Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora
Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga
NZ Transport Agency | Waka Kotahi
System Lead Service Transformation — Inland Revenue | Te Tari Taake

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