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DPUP — an overview

DPUP sets expectations about the respectful, trustworthy and transparent collection and use of data or information about people, whānau and communities (whether it can identify people or not). DPUP is made up of a set of Principles and Guidelines and is supported by an online toolkit.

DPUP was developed through a process of engagement and collaboration. It is about building good relationships between those who provide their data or information, and those who collect it or use it. DPUP provides guidance on key topics and focuses more on values, behaviours and relationships than on rules.

The DPUP Principles 

Set out values and behaviours that underpin respectful, trusted and transparent use of data and information.

He Tāngata

Focus on improving people’s lives — individuals, children and young people, whānau, iwi and communities.

Strive to create positive outcomes from any collection, sharing or use of data and information.

Use checks and balances and ensure that the information collected or used is reasonably necessary for the purpose.

He Tāngata Principle


Respect and uphold the mana and dignity of the people, whānau, communities or groups who share their data and information.

Recognise and incorporate diverse cultural interests, perspectives and needs. Include and involve service users whenever possible. Incorporate people’s views when they have a specific interest in what is done with their information.

Manaakitanga Principle

Mana Whakahaere

Empower people by giving them choice and enabling their access to and use of their data and information.

Where possible, give people choices and respect the choices they make.

Give people easy access to and oversight of their information wherever possible.

Mana Whakahaere Principle


Act as a steward in a way that people understand and trust.

Recognise you are a kaitiaki rather than an owner of people’s information.

Be open and transparent — support people’s interest or need to understand.

Keep data and information safe and secure and respect its value.

If there’s a privacy breach, act quickly and openly.

Kaitiakitanga Principle


Work as equals to create and share valuable knowledge.

Work with other agencies to create and share value together.

Carefully share relevant information so people get the support they want and need.

Grow collective knowledge and improve services through 2-way sharing of non-personal information.

Mahitahitanga Principle

The DPUP Guidelines 

Describe good practice and ways to use the Principles in everyday work.

Purpose Matters

Be clear about the purpose of collecting or using people’s information. Collect only what is needed.

Consider how using people’s information might affect their wellbeing and their trust in those using it.

Purpose Matters Guideline

Transparency and Choice

Be transparent and help people understand why their information is needed and what happens with it.

As much as possible support their choices about what they want to share and how they want it used.

Transparency and Choice Guideline

Access to Information

Be proactive about supporting people to understand what information is held about them, their rights to access it and ask for corrections to be made.

Look for ways to make this easy and safe for service users.

Access to Information Guideline

Sharing Value

Work together to ensure information used to create insights is relevant and usefully describes real experiences.

Share insights to help grow knowledge and support wellbeing.

Sharing Value Guideline

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