Search results for plain english

  • FYI: Brasil is unlocking the value of government information and data

    Found in Blog / Published 09 July 2015 / By Susan Diamond

    What’s the big deal?Governments around the world released over a million datasets open in the last decade. The aim was to spur the creation of jobs and the realisation of changes in society, including increased government accountability and consumer protection, more transparency in costs to the health system and more resilience against climate change.

    Why is it important?The analysis of these data, if done right, can help policymakers make better decisions, but they are just beginning to explor…

  • Google Analytics for content design

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Content design guidance / Google Analytics for content design

    Some features in Google Analytics are useful for making content design decisions. But others should be treated with caution.

  • — design is a subjective thing

    Found in Blog / Published 13 June 2014 / By Alison Green

    Notice a few changes to the site? We’ve made some colour, font and template changes. Love it, like it or not too sure — opinions will vary, but there is a reason for every design element. Design is a process with the focus on the end result. We’ve had a few queries about the updated design so we thought we’d share our thinking.

    Font or typeface?A typeface is a set of letters, numbers, punctuation marks and symbols. Typefaces share common design features. You’ve heard of Times New R…

  • A/B/C/D/Evolving the homepage design

    Found in Blog / Published 05 December 2014 / By Nathan Wall

    When launched in July this year we’d already completed several rounds of user research. The design of the site and the layout of the homepage had changed a lot since we launched the first beta version the previous year.

    How users are getting to our homepageAfter several months, we started to see some interesting patterns in our website analytics. A lot of people were searching Google using terms like:

    “new zealand government” (and various alternative versions)
    “nz government website”

  • Contact us

    Found in About / Contact us

    You can contact by email or post, or through the feedback form that’s on most pages. We’ll reply within 5 working days — or sooner if we can.

  • Emerging Tech: Virtual and Augmented Reality

    Found in Blog / Published 16 February 2018 / By Nadia Webster

    TL;DRAs part of a regular Emerging Technology series the Service Integration team at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) brought together presenters from inside and outside of government to share how they were using Virtual and Augmented Reality to engage or train people, or perform tasks.

    The technology behind Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) has advanced significantly. It now provides opportunities to deliver empathetic and insightful experiences that help people get close…

  • Report: Digital inclusion user insights — Disabled people

    Found in Digital government / Programmes and projects / Digital inclusion / Digital inclusion research / Report: Digital inclusion user insights — Disabled people

    Read the report into the digital user experience of disabled people in 2020.

  • When you assume...

    Found in Blog / Published 18 November 2013 / By Katie Johnston

    We recently completed our first round of user testing since publishing

    We learned a lot. Seeing actual users use your site is always enlightening…and occasionally frustrating. The urge to shake them and yell “it’s right there!” can be strong. Things that seemed so obvious when you did them turn out not to be obvious at all.

    Overall, the testing showed we’re on the right track. There’s still a few things we need to think about, but people were very positive. Task completion went u…

  • Augmenting our story

    Found in Showcase

    In March last year, Te Puni Kōkiri developed the #FFSVote (For Future’s Sake Vote) social media and community engagement campaign designed to encourage Māori youth (rangatahi) aged 18–29 years to enrol and vote at the 2017 General Election.

  • Lists

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Content design guidance / Content structure / Lists

    How to make your lists readable and useful.

Utility links and page information

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