Search results for plain english

  • Content maintenance

    Found in Standards & guidance / Governance / Managing online channels / Web information and data lifecycle / Content maintenance

    Maintenance of content, websites or services provides opportunities to review past procedures against current expectations of good practice. Legacy processes for managing online information are unlikely to meet the needs of today’s users.

  • Reimagining participatory democracy - a review of the Government Online Engagement Service

    Found in Blog / Published 01 December 2017 / By Victoria Wray

    In Government Information Services (GIS) at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA), we’ve reviewed the pilot of the Government Online Engagement Service (GOES) consultations that were hosted on The review looked at what worked for agencies, where there were gaps, and what we need to do next.

    This is part of our work with the State Services Commission on the Open Government Partnership (OGP). The OGP seeks greater civic participation to enable openness, transparency and accountability…

  • Policy, legislation and service innovation

    Found in Blog / Published 29 November 2017 / By Nadia Webster

    TL;DRIn the spirit of sharing, the Service Integration team at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) brought together a group of people from different government agencies to make connections across policy, regulation, legislation and service innovation.

    We shared what we're all working on, explored where our work is mutually supportive and identified some joint opportunities to better understand the possibilities of new approaches to legislation, rules and policy. This included the pote…

  • Digital View — Documenting the user experience

    Found in Blog / Published 23 March 2022 / By Hisham Eldai , Jas Hua

    Digital View shares how the Digital Public Service team collaborated with the Ministry for Ethnic Communities to investigate how to improve the lived experience of digitally excluded groups in Aotearoa New Zealand.

  • Action Plan for the Digital Strategy for Aotearoa

    Found in Digital government / Strategy / Digital Strategy for Aotearoa and Action Plan / Action Plan for the Digital Strategy for Aotearoa

    The Action Plan for the Digital Strategy for Aotearoa provides a roadmap for the government’s implementation of the Digital Strategy.

  • How to write for the blog

    Found in About / Contact us

    Guidelines, tips and advice for guest bloggers.

  • Assisting the Assisted Digital Summit

    Found in Blog / Published 10 July 2014 / By Corinne Cordes

    … threw more than a dozen customers of government services into the mix, not as curiosities to be observed, but as equal participants there to give ideas and critique work. One customer ended up leading the group on how to get government to communicate in plain English.

    As for the number of participants, we need not have worried. A few days before the event, RSVPs were in the low 90s. We expected a drop-off rate of 10–15 per cent on the day. As it was, more than 120 people appeared. Cue our logi…

  • Creating information and data

    Found in Standards & guidance / Governance / Managing online channels / Web information and data lifecycle / Creating information and data

    As with accessibility, usability and security, good practices in online information and data management can't be applied retrospectively. It's essential that they be considered from the start of the development lifecycle.

  • Writing style

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Content design guidance / Writing style

    Write using language that makes information easy for users to find and understand.

  • Why make videos accessible?

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Accessibility / Videos / Why make videos accessible?

    It’s both a human right and a government mandate to make videos accessible to disabled people. Accessible videos improve usability for everyone and are more likely to appear in search results.

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