Usability is about designing effective, efficient and satisfying user experiences.
Web Usability Standard 1.4
All public service departments and non-public service departments in the Executive branch must meet the NZ Government Web Usability Standard 1.4 from 17 March 2025.
Copyright statements for websites
Government organisations are encouraged to make information available easily, widely and equitably to the people of New Zealand. They should also allow people to reuse their copyright material.
Privacy statements for websites
Telling website visitors how your organisation collects and uses personal information is good practice and the law.
Disclaimers on websites
New Zealand Government organisations are encouraged to seek their own legal advice on whether to include a disclaimer on their website and, if so, its appropriate scope. Where a website does include a disclaimer, it’s recommended that a link to it be provided in an obvious location, for example, the footer on the home page.
Terms of use for websites
Government organisations are encouraged to provide terms of use on interactive websites and those that require authenticated access. Organisations are encouraged to consult their legal teams when developing such terms of use.
Linking to non-HTML files
A link to a non-HTML document should provide information about the document, including a meaningful name, the file format and file size. This gives users a good idea of what to expect if they follow the link.
NZ government logo markup
Use this HTML markup with the NZ government logo to make it accessible.