Search results for legislation as code

  • Providers of digital identity services

    Found in Standards & guidance / Identity / Trust framework for digital identity / Providers of digital identity services

    Information for providers of accredited digital identity services, including the application process.

  • Purpose Matters: Assess purpose and only collect what is needed

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) / Read the DPUP Guidelines / Purpose Matters Guideline / Assess purpose and only collect what is needed

    Agencies should assess the purpose of collecting personal information to ensure they are collecting only what’s needed.

  • Digital Service Standard: Case Study - Building an accessible website for The New Zealand Disability Karate Association

    Found in Blog / Published 22 March 2018 / By Stephen Clarke , Stephen Hilson

    The web standards were used to create a better web site for the students of the New Zealand Disability Karate Association.

  • Digital standards catalogue status

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Government digital standards catalogue / Digital standards catalogue status

    A catalogue status is applied to content in the Government Digital Standards Catalogue. Find out when and why each catalogue status is applied.

  • What's in the government web domain?

    Found in Blog / Published 10 April 2017 / By Victoria Wray

    We need your help!If you work on web in your agency, take a couple of minutes and have a look at this list of websites that are in the public sector. Any out of date? Missing? Great.

    Either add them in by emailing your updates to or you can use GitHub to edit the list. You'll need a GitHub account to do this.

    Why do we want to know?Knowing what we own and run is essential to being able to manage it. It means we can benchmark, measure quality, and analyse the subjects and…

  • Online submissions through Customer Portal

    Found in Showcase

    The New Zealand Gazette has been the official government newspaper since 1841. Recent changes have made the publishing process more efficient and transparent, and significantly strengthened the business continuity of the service.

  • Sharing Value: Create a plan

    Found in Standards & guidance / Privacy, security and risk / Privacy / Data Protection and Use Policy (DPUP) / Read the DPUP Guidelines / Sharing Value Guideline / Create a plan

    Create a plan for working together to proactively develop and share insights with people, communities and agencies who have an identified and legitimate interest.

  • Browser and device support

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Browser and device support

    Support the browsers and devices your visitors use so they can access core content and functionality.

  • New Zealand Government Design System (alpha phase)

    Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / New Zealand Government Design System (alpha phase)

    A design system is a catalogue of reusable components, patterns and base elements you might need to build your website or an app.

  • Retrieval Service

    Found in Products & services / Products and services A-Z / Retrieval Service

    The Retrieval Service allows authorised government agencies to electronically submit identity information for matching against official databases. How the service operates can be configured to meet the individual business needs of your agency.

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