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Skills, capabilities and GenAI

Improve your staff’s skills when using generative artificial intelligence (GenAI). This helps to maximise the upsides of AI’s benefits to your agency while limiting risks.

Improve the skills and capabilities in your agency

To embrace the opportunity GenAI offers in a safe and responsible way, it’s important to build the skills and capabilities across your agency. This way, you get the most out of GenAI.

Understanding the strengths, weaknesses and risks of GenAI is an excellent starting point.

Training to educate employees in GenAI

We recommend that you look at providing training opportunities for staff so they understand:

  • that GenAI systems are sophisticated and predictive
  • how best to use GenAI to realise efficiencies and deliver better services, while managing risks.

Make sure your teams know that when and how GenAI can support human decision-making — but also when it would not be appropriate to use GenAI tools.

Commit to improving your skills in GenAI

Training gives individuals the knowledge and confidence to use GenAI systems safely.

A well-informed workforce can help to achieve the benefits of AI and be the best defence against AI pitfalls and risks.

Give initial and ongoing upskilling

Upskilling your workforce is crucial for using GenAI responsibly. Set clear guardrails and create opportunities for review and feedback loops.

Create a safe environment for learning

We recommend that you encourage transparent use of GenAI systems and create a safe environment for learning. This helps to make sure the use of GenAI leads to more productivity and less harm.

Make sure training aligns with best practices

We recommend that you use or consider creating training that follows best practice across all areas of this guidance. This will help equip your people to navigate GenAI’s complexities.

Example scenario of skills, capabilities and GenAI

You’ve heard from colleagues how great GenAI is, so you want to try it out. However, you’re not sure which tool to use or how to use them.

You check your agency’s relevant policies before using a new tool. You ask your manager or training department if there’s any assistance or training they can provide.

Your agency is connected with several industry training opportunities for staff, and also offers its own training in this new tool. You book into a training session. In the meantime, you can carry out your own research and reading to prepare. You wait to try out GenAI until you feel prepared and confident to safely use GenAI in your work.

More information — GenAI skills and capabilities

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