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Evaluation: Digital inclusion initiatives

These reports explain the value of evaluating digital inclusion initiatives, and how to support evaluators to make effective evaluations.

Note: As of March 2023, the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) has concluded the digital inclusion programme.

While digital inclusion remains an important issue for Aotearoa New Zealand, DIA currently has no sustainable funding to progress this work.

We appreciate the support and interest shown in digital inclusion through the course of this programme — thanks for being part of its journey.

The Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) commissioned advice about what needs to happen across government and organisations to ensure evaluation of digital inclusion initiatives is done. The advice also suggested how this might be done.

Report: ‘How can we get better evidence for what works?’

This report is about how to support the evaluation of digital inclusion initiatives.

It also suggests actions to improve evaluation of digital inclusion initiatives.

Report: ‘Examples of good practices’

This report presents several case studies that demonstrate good practices in evaluation of digital inclusion initiatives.

Providers, funders and evaluators of digital inclusion initiatives can draw on this for ideas about how to evaluate.

Why evaluation is important

Evaluation of digital inclusion initiatives is vital for understanding how well these initiatives are helping to enable all New Zealanders to access the digital world.

Evaluation is the systematic determination of value. It helps us to understand how well an initiative is working and how it could be better.

Without good evaluation, we will find it hard to justify any increased funding for digital inclusion initiatives, have little evidence to inform decisions about what initiatives should be scaled up, and fail to identify opportunities for improvement.

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