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Report: Digital inclusion and wellbeing in New Zealand

Read the 2019 report into digital inclusion and wellbeing in New Zealand carried out by Motu Economic and Public Policy Research (Motu).

Note: As of March 2023, the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) has concluded the digital inclusion programme.

While digital inclusion remains an important issue for Aotearoa New Zealand, DIA currently has no sustainable funding to progress this work.

We appreciate the support and interest shown in digital inclusion through the course of this programme — thanks for being part of its journey.

Following release of the Digital Inclusion Blueprint, the Department of Internal Affairs commissioned Motu Economic and Public Policy Research to examine two main questions relating to internet and other ICT access:

  1. which groups have a lower likelihood of being digitally included in New Zealand and why?
  2. how does digital inclusion relate to waiora/wellbeing.

The report includes:

  • data and insights into internet access, use and wellbeing
  • recommendations and policy considerations.

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